Connecting RAK 4631 to TTN

hello!I’m using the basic scatch for lorawan device connection with ABP registration of the RAK4630 module in 868 region with the TTN server and a RAK gateway. i can see the device messages on a gateway console, but no data on Application tab. i tryid to unregister and register it again changing the App&Ntw keys, but nothing seems to work. i also tryed to reset session and MAK state on General settings tab. What could be wrong on my settings?

Hi @Miliks ,

Based on your description of the issue, there could be a mismatch frequency band settings (on the GW, LNS (gw and device console) and/or on the Device).

Also (other posibility), if you say you see messages on the gateway console, is it on the Gateway Console itself or on the TTN Gateway Console Frontend? If you see it on the GW console but not on the TTN GW Console, there could be issue on the integration/registration of the GW to the LNS. Maybe the server url is wrong, port, etc.