Issue: can not registering the RAK2245 anymore on TTN
Setup: RPi 3B+
Server: 4.2.5R
Recently I deleted my account at TTN without removing my RAK2245 gateway.
Now I’m not able anymore to register my RAK2245 gateway.
As I understand correctly the gateway MAC address is used as device ID and now I’m looking for a way to change the MAC address of the RAK2245.
Hello @G33RT,
Welcome to the RAK forum.
What you can do besides changing the Pi is you can change the MAC used for creating that Gateway ID.
By default, the script is using the MAC of eth0 interface, and changing it to use the wlan0 interface’s MAC will give you a different Gateway ID.
(if you are using the code from the git hub that I’ve shared you can find the file under /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd)
Original :
iot_sk_update_gwid() {
# get gateway ID from its MAC address to generate an EUI-64 address
if [[ `grep "$GATEWAY_EUI_NIC" /proc/net/dev` == "" ]]; then
Updated :
iot_sk_update_gwid() {
# get gateway ID from its MAC address to generate an EUI-64 address
GATEWAY_EUI_NIC="wlan0" #here is the change
if [[ `grep "$GATEWAY_EUI_NIC" /proc/net/dev` == "" ]]; then
After you save the file just start it with this command: sudo ./ local_conf.json
However I read your message just an bit too late
I discovered that if I like to change the eth0 MAC address I can do this also in the file.
GATEWAY_EUI=$(ip link show $GATEWAY_EUI_NIC | awk ‘/ether/ {print $2}’ | awk -F: ‘{print $1$2$3"FFFE"$4$5$6}’)
I can change the “FFFE” lets say to “FFFF”
The MAC result would be “A1 A2 A3 FF FE B1 B2 B3” into this “A1 A2 A3 FF FF B1 B2 B3” which is a new MAC address.