Log rotation for WisGateOS_2.2.2_RAK firmware


At some point, I could not save any settings any more on my RAK7289CV2. After an investigation, it turned out the /overlay partition was completely filled up with syslog logs. The Log level was NOTICE. I removed the excess logs and changed the level to INFO. The problem is solved. At least for now.

But where can I find the settings for log rotation and log deletion if they fill up the partition again to 100%. That is an issue waiting to happen again.


Ok, It looks like I am not on the latest firmware. Sorry for that.

But if I try to update through the web interface, the update fails. I notice the update file is bigger than the available free space on the tmpfs and root file system.

How can I sort that out?


My gateway stops working after a couple of days. It needs a power cycle reboot. I have a RAK7289CV2. The overlay fs is getting full, so it gets mounted as read-only. At that time, the gateway stops functioning normally. I have set the Log Size to 64KB and retention time to 14 days. Filling up with logs is not the main root cause any more. These are the symptoms.

  • If the file system is full, it is mounted read-only so my settings are not changed.
  • I cannot update. I am currently on the WisGateOS 2.2.2 version. I want to update but I cannot.
  • The gateway stops communication after a couple of days. A power cycle is necessary. This makes this gateway useless to deploy in the field.

A quick look reveals the following big files on the overlayfs. The 7.2MB overlayfs is filled for 5.7 MB with these two files. What are they, they are not opened by any process. It looks like they are tmp files. Can I remove them?

root@RAK7289CV2:/# du -hs /overlay/upper/mnt/mmcblk0p1/tmpbin/* 
272.0K	/overlay/upper/mnt/mmcblk0p1/tmpbin/tmp_hpvtijn.bin
5.5M	/overlay/upper/mnt/mmcblk0p1/tmpbin/tmpgwhio9xf.bin

Hereafter you will find my disk usage. I do not have any log left any more.

root@RAK7289CV2:~$ df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                22.5M     22.5M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    60.2M      1.1M     59.1M   2% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock7            7.2M      7.1M     80.0K  99% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        7.2M      7.1M     80.0K  99% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev

Can somebody help me please?

The SD card is missing, or not detected. The SD card is used for logging and this causes the problem.
Check the SD card and also after that update to the latest firmware(to do so you need to check the SD card. You need a functioning SD card to update.).

Nikola, thank you very much for your reply.

The gateway is already in a tower. The problem occurs after ground testing. So I will ask the guys to bring it back down and install or check the SD-card.

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We have met such problems before, mostly when the gateway is deployed with a SIM card. When you put in the SIM card it is possible that you press the SD card by mistake and it pops out, you have to make sure and check that the SD card is properly installed. Both slots are really close (SIM and SD card slots) and it is not that hard to press both cards when installing the SIM.

Nikola Semov


It perfectly matches our use case. We are operating through cellular networks.

The guy installing will probably have released the SD-card when installing the thing.

Anyhow, is it an idea to put a red bar with a warning in your web platform when the SD-card is not detected, if it is essential for the correct operation?
The observed errors are subtle, time-consuming to analyse and very hard to pinpoint to a missing SD-card.

Yes, after seeing more and more problems with that, we decided to put such a warning on the WEB UI. It is planned. But you can’t just add something like that; it should be planned along with other fixes/improvements.

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It is an idea to put on your backlog. It is a nice-to-have. So thank you considering it.

If you are interested, I have some other feedback on the installation of a private Lora network.

  • I have chosen for an OpenVPN connection because if I wanted to connect to an MQTT broker. The settings window only allow an IP address for an MQTT broker, not a DNS name. I did not want to install gateways with a fixed public IP hardcoded into it. I fixed it with an OpenVPN connection with a fixed address in the VPN network. Is that deliberately you cannot connect to a DNS name for an address to an MQTT broker?

  • I updated from version 2.2.2 to 2.2.10. I lost my OpenVPN connection. Is that known? It was working very stable. I did not have the chance to investigate further, as the device is not communicating over VPN any more.

  • I have interest in WisDM, but first I first wanted to evaluate the gateways before purchasing that.


The extension gallery changed between 2.2.2 and 2.2.10, which is why you lost the OpenVPN extension. Wasn’t there a warning when updating?
Also, you can try WisDM up to 3 gateways for free so you can check it out.

Nikola Semov


About the warnings:

  • There was a warning with the usual stuff: do not unplug, backup settings.
  • Concerning the plugins, it mentioned you would not be able to downgrade it any more.

I checked the Changelog and Readme before installing, nothing is mentioned the upgraded plugin repository. The only mention they make is between version 1.x.x and 2.x.x you need to contact support if you are using WireGuard. So I considered it safe.

Anyhow, Thank you for pointing out WisDM. I will give it a try. There was no need to try it, as I needed a vpn anyhow for my mqtt setup. As in version 2.2.2, you only can fill out the IP address of the broker, not a DNS name.