RAK4631 - VDD_NRF (no) connection

Sorry guys and @carlrowan to hijack this thread but I have the same concern (RAK4630 with custom PCB full powered with 3.2V or 3.6V depending on battery we put ), let me know if I missed something


  • Case 1 is Impossible to single power 3.3V in that case because we can’t remove L10, correct?
  • Case 2 (vith 3.6V batteries) this mean I/O will be 3.3V and rest of the board would be 3.6V correct?

So what should I do just to power the board

  • Full 3.6V (power and I/O)
  • Full 3.2V (power and I/O)

Really it’s not crystal clear on my side,
