RAK7204 Device firmware upgrade timeout!

I have just flashed a new bootloader as per the instructions here using the firmware the instructions referenced here

I had issues flashing the bootloader using the STM programmer referenced in the instructions. However, I had success flashing the bootloader using the STM programmer found in the download center under tools.

After flashing the bootloader I’ve tried to update the firmware but keep getting a “Device firmware upgrade timeout!” error. I have the jumper set back to the original state prior to bootloader. I can connect via serial and it displays but when I try and run AT commands I get “AT cmd error.”.

I suspect the issue is the firmware upgrade tool is unable to execute AT commands on the module.

  • The battery is brand new
  • I have tried restarting the PC and RAK device (using button and disconnecting power).
  • I was able to successfully flash firmware prior to bootloader upgrade
  • I’ve tried different baud rates

Bump. Doesn’t anybody have ideas on how I can resolve this?

After much google bashing and forum scouring I’ve resolved the issue. For others this is some context to the issue and a resolution:

The firmware and bootloader versions in the downloads repository for the 7204 are not compatible with the firmware upgrade and bootloader flash tools.

Use the firmware and bootloader mention in this comment RAK7204 "stops transmitting" issue workaround - #10 by velev . Make sure you use the STM programmer found in the RAK Downloads repository and not the one from the STM website. the DFU firmware tools is the most recent and available in the same repository.