Reset RAK7205 Tracker

Did you get into the network successfully? You must configure the correct parameters and join the network.

发件人: Pradeeka Seneviratne via RAKwireless Forum [email protected]
日期: 2020年6月23日周二 中午12:32
收件人: [email protected]
主 题: [RAKwireless Forum] [LPWAN Nodes] Reset RAK7205 Tracker

Yes, my RAK7205 nodes are (I have 2) successfully sending data to the TTN. My activation method is ABP.

EU433 No frequency plan yet. Submit a proposal!

I have a question, Can EU433 access TTN?

For testing I have updated the gateway (RAK7244) config file to work with 433MHz. The gateway and two sensor nodes originally came with 433 antennas. So I can’t use other frequencies.
In my country CN470 overlaps UHF TV bands.
EU915/868 overlaps with Cellular.

But it seems that TTN does not support EU433. You must choose another server.

Okay. Thanks for the information. So I can use ChirpStack.

yes,It is necessary!

Do you have a public ChripStack server supports with EU433?

There aren’t any agreed frequencies for EU433 so you’d have to take a standard install and alter it to suit.

The RAK Gateway comes with a built-in server available.

Yes, I alter the EU868 config file with
It is working well for uplink. I’m running two nodes.

How I can access it?

Can it help you?

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I moved my network to ChirpStack. It is working perfectly with EU433 and also I can send downlink messages. Now I can test the code for device ‘RESET’.

You’re great, and you can add more features you need.

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Yes, I’ll share them…

Hi All, I have added the following features to RAK7205. Now you can reset your node and set the ‘send time interval’ through downlink.


RESET: Type Code: 04 / Port: 8 / Buffer size: 2 (you should use 04FF)
SET SEND INTERVAL: Type Code: 01 / Port: 8 / Buffer size: 4 (Eg: for 60 seconds: 0100003C)

If you are running ChirpStack convert the hex value to base 64 before sending through the downlink.

Here is he modified code:
…\Products_practice_based_on_RUI\based on RAK811\app_5205\app_5205.c

void LoRaReceive_callback(RUI_RECEIVE_T* Receive_datapackage)
    char hex_str[3] = {0}; 
    RUI_LOG_PRINTF("at+recv=%d,%d,%d,%d", Receive_datapackage->Port, Receive_datapackage->Rssi, Receive_datapackage->Snr, Receive_datapackage->BufferSize);   
    if ((Receive_datapackage->Buffer != NULL) && Receive_datapackage->BufferSize) {

        for (int i = 0; i < Receive_datapackage->BufferSize; i++) {
            sprintf(hex_str, "%02x", Receive_datapackage->Buffer[i]);
            RUI_LOG_PRINTF("%s", hex_str); 

    if(Receive_datapackage->Port == 8 && Receive_datapackage->BufferSize == 2 && (Receive_datapackage->Buffer[0]<<8 | Receive_datapackage->Buffer[1]) == 0x04FF) // port: 8, size:2 bytes, type code: 0x04
    	rui_device_reset(); //restarts the device

    if(Receive_datapackage->Port == 8 && Receive_datapackage->BufferSize == 4 && Receive_datapackage->Buffer[0] == 0x01) // port:8, size: 4 bytes, type code: 0x01, 3 bytes for time in seconds 
    	int interval_time = Receive_datapackage->Buffer[1]<<16 | Receive_datapackage->Buffer[2]<<8 | Receive_datapackage->Buffer[3];
    	rui_lora_set_send_interval(1,interval_time); //sets send interval in seconds
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This is a great project! :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Is there a way we can integrate this feature into the GitHub code base?

Hi @pradeeka,

Your code is used to control the RAK7205 remotely, no need to send AT commands locally. That’s good.
I think you can do a pull request in that Github repo, and we will create a branch to show how to do the remote control through LoRa packet by using RUI, and your code will be a good example.
Thank you!