Unable to Join OTAA on US915

@phangmoh Hi!Can you send data via uart serial port via pin1 and pin2?

Hi Nicholas,

That’s what I’m doing. Else how did I send data to the RAK4200.

Do you have a uart serial tool?

I’m using the Arduino IDE serial. But I have several others. Any will do. I have tried nearly all your AT commands.

Do you have snippets of the code where the band of the downlink is selected? By right to select the downlink for join-accept package, it should be:
UplinkChannel % 8 = DownlinkChannel

If you can confirm this is what being implemented, by right it should tune to the correct frequency.

@Nicholas what do you suggest me to do? Let me know and I will try it out.

Send data directly through Uart serial port, not through baseboard or arduino!

I’m directly sending data to RAK4200, I have mentioned this in my first post. The MCU just past the data only.

Can I take a picture to see your connection?

The hardware is completely fine.
I can talk directly with the module without issues.
I have used many modules in the past few years, this is the very first time a module failed to do OTAA completely.

@phangmoh, good news, you are not going mad - my 4200 Evaluation Board works fine on ABP but just sends join messages on OTAA just as you see - downloaded latest firmware and I’ve done a RUI compile as well & downloaded that, same result. Serial port just lists a whole sequence of join attempts, all of which I can see in TTN Console, before stopping.

I have a RAK7256, a Russian Orange Pi and a RAK833 on a Pi as gateways around me, all picking up a variety of nodes doing a variety of things, so I’m pretty sure it’s the 4200 that’s the problem.

Hi @Nicholas

I have built a 2nd unit of the board. This time I use your 868 version of the RAK4200 module and together with a 868 MHz RAK7258 gateway. The join process works perfectly at first try itself.

So, I can conclude that there’s something wrong with the 915 version of RAK4200’s firmware. Please do a check from your side.

@nmcc yeah totally. I’m not new to LoRaWAN so I roughly know when something is not right. The 868MHz working fine means there’s something wrong for the 915MHz version.

Ah, OK, I’ll have to retest as I thought I was on 868 too!

Thank you for your suggestion, we will test US915 to find the cause of the problem.

My guess would be the calculation of the downlink channel corresponding to an uplink channel is incorrect. As I have pointed out, using ABP and enabling uplink confirmed message, it will only receive the downlink message on the 8th try. Coincidentally we have 8-channel for downlink on US915 band. Go figure!

@phangmoh We have tested the ABP mode, as shown in the figure below, and now US915 has returned to normal, otaa is also ok, you can try again, and you can feedback whether there is still a problem at any time.

@Nicholas Do you mean you have a new firmware?

No, there are some unknown reasons why the connection between TTN’s CN470 and US915 frequency band cannot be used normally a few days ago, but what is normal with built-in NS is used, and we are looking for the reason.

Same result. No different.
Can you show me your OTAA output?

This is an example of a continuous join.