Wisblock RAK11310 lorawan otaa failed to join

Yes. AppEUI’s are all 0’s. Sorry I missed to mention that.

I know you’ve probably tried a lot already, but would you mind going to the device, then the activation tab and doing a ‘clear devnonce’ ?

Other option is to delete and add the device again.

Hi @cyclops , Sure I can try this again :slight_smile:

I’ve tried cleaning up the entire chirpstack setup and redo all steps. Since it’s running with docker it’s a quick turn around.

Ok - if that still doesn’t work, then i’d actually suggest that you try the Chirpstack forum, as this is not an issue with the RAK devices IMHO.

I’m curious if there is a document with steps to show if this works with RAK7371 and RAK113100 with either Chirpstack or with ThingStack.

I’ve followed this : RAK7271/RAK7371 Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center and then the RAK113100 sample code before trying anything new.

If this issues is resolved in Rak Wireless forum, future customers who would consider using RAK7371 and RAK113100 will find it helpful.

However, I have raised one issues with things stack too:

Ok - so i was under the impression that it did work with other stacks.
Over on the TTN forum, you also mention a MKR1310 device. Does that one work with Chirpstack? How is that one configured? What are the differences?

MKR1310 also fails with both stacks while using sample code. It works with cloud based Things Stack.

Maybe share all your .toml files from the chirpstack configuration… Maybe we can see something in there.

There is just 1 toml file in configuration/chirpstack-gateway-bridge directory

cat configuration/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml
# See https://www.chirpstack.io/gateway-bridge/install/config/ for a full
# configuration example and documentation.


event_topic_template="us915_0/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"
state_topic_template="us915_0/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/state/{{ .StateType }}"
command_topic_template="us915_0/gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/command/#"

And the other chirpstack configuration files?

While using https://github.com/chirpstack/chirpstack-docker.git repository only this .toml file would need to be updated.

For gateway RAK7371 there are 2 options 1/ using packet forwarder or 2/ basicstation

Option 1. https://github.com/RAKWireless/udp-packet-forwarder this setup is simple and quick:

cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3.6'
    image: rakwireless/udp-packet-forwarder:v1.1.3
    container_name: udpforwarder
    hostname: udpforwarder
    restart: always
        max-size: "10m"
        max-file: "3"
    privileged: true
    # network_mode: host
      - /${PWD}/global_config.json:/app/global_config.json:ro
      MODEL: "RAK7371"
      MODULE: "RAK5146"
      CONCENTRATOR: "SX1303"
      HAS_GPS: "0"
      SERVER_HOST: ""
      SERVER_PORT: "1700"
      RADIO_DEV: "/dev/ttyACM0"
      GATEWAY_EUI_NIC: "usb0"
      GATEWAY_EUI: "66C0A7FC63D30000"
      BAND: "us_902_928"
cat global_conf.json
    "SX130x_conf": {
        "com_type": "USB",
        "com_path": "/dev/ttyACM0",
        "lorawan_public": true,
        "clksrc": 0,
        "antenna_gain": 0,
        "full_duplex": false,
        "fine_timestamp": {
            "enable": false,
            "mode": "all_sf"

        "radio_0": {
            "enable": true,
            "type": "SX1250",
            "freq": 904300000,
            "rssi_offset": -215.4,
            "rssi_tcomp": {"coeff_a": 0, "coeff_b": 0, "coeff_c": 20.41, "coeff_d": 2162.56, "coeff_e": 0},
            "tx_enable": true,
            "tx_freq_min": 923000000,
            "tx_freq_max": 928000000,
                {"rf_power": 12, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 6},
                {"rf_power": 13, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 7},
                {"rf_power": 14, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 8},
                {"rf_power": 15, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 9},
                {"rf_power": 16, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 10},
                {"rf_power": 17, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 11},
                {"rf_power": 18, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 12},
                {"rf_power": 19, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 13},
                {"rf_power": 20, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 14},
                {"rf_power": 21, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 15},
                {"rf_power": 22, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 16},
                {"rf_power": 23, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 17},
                {"rf_power": 24, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 18},
                {"rf_power": 25, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 19},
                {"rf_power": 26, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 21},
                {"rf_power": 27, "pa_gain": 1, "pwr_idx": 22}
        "radio_1": {
            "enable": true,
            "type": "SX1250",
            "freq": 905000000,
            "rssi_offset": -215.4,
            "rssi_tcomp": {"coeff_a": 0, "coeff_b": 0, "coeff_c": 20.41, "coeff_d": 2162.56, "coeff_e": 0},
            "tx_enable": false
        "chan_multiSF_All": {"spreading_factor_enable": [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 ]},
        "chan_multiSF_0": {"enable": true, "radio": 0, "if": -400000},
        "chan_multiSF_1": {"enable": true, "radio": 0, "if": -200000},
        "chan_multiSF_2": {"enable": true, "radio": 0, "if":  0},
        "chan_multiSF_3": {"enable": true, "radio": 0, "if":  200000},
        "chan_multiSF_4": {"enable": true, "radio": 1, "if": -300000},
        "chan_multiSF_5": {"enable": true, "radio": 1, "if": -100000},
        "chan_multiSF_6": {"enable": true, "radio": 1, "if":  100000},
        "chan_multiSF_7": {"enable": true, "radio": 1, "if":  300000},
        "chan_Lora_std":  {"enable": true, "radio": 0, "if":  300000, "bandwidth": 500000, "spread_factor": 8,
                           "implicit_hdr": false, "implicit_payload_length": 17, "implicit_crc_en": false, "implicit_coderate": 1},
        "chan_FSK":       {"enable": false, "radio": 1, "if":  300000, "bandwidth": 125000, "datarate": 50000}

    "gateway_conf": {
        "gateway_ID": "66C0A7FC63D30000",
        "server_address": "",
        "serv_port_up": 1700,
        "serv_port_down": 1700,
        "keepalive_interval": 10,
        "stat_interval": 30,
        "push_timeout_ms": 100,
        "forward_crc_valid": true,
        "forward_crc_error": false,
        "forward_crc_disabled": false,
        "gps_tty_path": "/dev/ttyAMA0",
        "ref_altitude": 5000,
        "beacon_period": 0,
        "beacon_freq_hz": 923300000,
        "beacon_freq_nb": 8,
        "beacon_freq_step": 600000,
        "beacon_datarate": 12,
        "beacon_bw_hz": 500000,
        "beacon_power": 27

    "debug_conf": {
            {"id": "0xCAFE1234"},
            {"id": "0xCAFE2345"}
        "log_file": "/app/loragw_hal.log"

Option 2. https://github.com/RAKWireless/basicstation I’ve tried this with Things Stack (localhost as well as cloud) same issue while using RAK7371.


Issue may be with RAK7371. As @beegee suggested, I will work with Support team.


Ok, so i see chirpstack 4 is completely different in it’s setup. I only have experience with the older version.