After updating the bootloader, this error coming i am not sure why it is coming. Can you please help me on this?

2023-10-25 17:32:44,349 Using board at serial port: COM17
2023-10-25 17:32:44,349 Sending Application image.
2023-10-25 17:32:47,943 No trigger interface found for device with serial number: CA583F04978BF3D7, Product ID: 0x0029 and Vendor ID: 0x239A

2023-10-25 17:32:47,943 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 1/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:48,446 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 2/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:48,947 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 3/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:49,457 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 4/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:49,959 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 5/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:50,471 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 6/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:50,972 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 7/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:51,473 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 8/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:51,982 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 9/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:52,484 Serial: Waiting 500 ms for device to enter bootloader 10/10 time
2023-10-25 17:32:52,985 Serial: Device is either not in bootloader mode, or using an unsupported bootloader.
2023-10-25 17:32:53,987 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:32:54,990 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:32:55,991 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:32:56,998 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:32:58,011 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:32:59,018 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:00,021 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:01,024 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:02,034 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:03,037 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:04,038 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:05,041 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:06,049 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:07,059 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:08,068 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:09,074 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:10,081 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:11,092 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:12,102 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:13,104 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:14,107 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:15,108 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:16,112 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:17,128 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:18,132 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:19,132 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:20,145 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:21,147 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:22,161 Serial: No ping response
2023-10-25 17:33:23,170 Serial: No ping response
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1545, in
File “click\”, line 1137, in call
File “click\”, line 1062, in main
File “click\”, line 1668, in invoke
File “click\”, line 1668, in invoke
File “click\”, line 1404, in invoke
File “click\”, line 763, in invoke
File “”, line 1063, in serial
File “”, line 980, in do_serial
File “nordicsemi\dfu\”, line 127, in dfu_send_images
File “nordicsemi\dfu\”, line 88, in _dfu_send_image
File “nordicsemi\dfu\”, line 214, in open
pc_ble_driver_py.exceptions.NordicSemiException: No ping response after opening COM port
[13504] Failed to execute script ‘main’ due to unhandled exception!
CompletedProcess(args=[‘C:\Users\DELL\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\rak_rui\tools\pc-nrfutil\v6.1.3/nrfutil’, ‘-v’, ‘-v’, ‘-v’, ‘dfu’, ‘serial’, ‘–package’, ‘C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_397184/’, ‘-p’, ‘COM17’, ‘-b’, ‘115200’], returncode=1)

Welcome to RAK forum @Ayaz

It seems you select RAK4631-R which has the RUI3 firmware.

If you double click the reset of the baseboard, did a RAK4631 drive pops up? If yes, then you must select the RAK4631 with Arduino BSP.

If the board is not present, you must add this json url to Preferences of Arduino IDE.