Api.lorawan.adr.set(1) always returns error

Hello team,
i’m testing the Arduino BSP, and uploaded the LoRaWan_OTTA sketch and noticed that

  if (!api.lorawan.adr.set(1)) {
    ("LoRaWan OTAA - set adaptive data rate is incorrect! \r\n");

always fails
i’m running: AT+VER=3.4.2-rui3_22q1_update.112


Hi @JayjJay

It is not documented, but you can change ADR only after a successful join.

I put the call to change ADR into my join_callback and it works.
Example code

 * @brief Callback after join request cycle
 * @param status Join result
void joinCallback(int32_t status)
	// MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "Join result %d", status);
	if (status != 0)
		if (!(ret = api.lorawan.join()))
			MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "Join fail! \r\n");
			// if (found_sensors[OLED_ID].found_sensor)
			// {
			// 	rak1921_add_line("Join NW failed");
			// }
		MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "DR  %s", api.lorawan.dr.set(g_lorawan_settings.data_rate) ? "Success" : "Fail");
		MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "ADR  %s", api.lorawan.adr.set(g_lorawan_settings.adr_enabled ? 1 : 0) ? "Success" : "Fail");
		MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "Joined! \r\n");
		digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);

		// if (found_sensors[OLED_ID].found_sensor)
		// {
		// 	rak1921_add_line("Joined NW");
		// }
		digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
void setup()

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