Api.lorawan.deui.get all 0's

I have a RAK3272S. When I try to read the deui it is all 0’s. I saw another forum post that I think answers my question but wanted to verify. I upgraded the RUI software, I believe that would erase the deui (I only have two boards and did both so wanted to make sure because I don’t have a fresh one to test)? If they were fresh out of the box they would have had the deui programmed in that matched the sticker right? Is there a way to upgrade the RUI3 software without erasing the ID (Not sure this matters for my use case but thought I would ask)? One more is the daddr a better option for a unique id, the shorter the better and this is only 4 bytes vs 8? Thanks for any assistance on this!

Hi @tbacon ,

Some answers to your question.

  1. Upgrading RUI3 FW will not erase the DEVEUI.
  2. The DEVEUI in the sticker is not programmed on the module. You have to configure it yourself.
  3. DEVADDR in LoRaWAN protocol changes everytime you join so might not be a good idea to use it as unique ID. DEVEUI is unique because it is an allocated block from IEEE.

Is this the breakout board with the RAK3172-SiP or the breakout board with RAK3172?

RAK3172-SiP does not have pre-flashed DevEUI, AppEUI and AppKey.
RAK3172-SiP Breakout Board has double row pin headers:


Thanks, appreciate the answers. Any chance there is some unique id pre-programmed on the RAK3172 to use as an identifier for an end device? Sounds like the approach for this kind of thing is to program a unique id as part of the device build process.

It is the non SiP version of the breakout board.

If it is the “standard” and not the “SiP” version, why don’t you use the DevEUI from the label and generate the AppEUI and AppKey in your LoRaWAN server and set them with

Regarding upgrading the firmware, what was your old firmware version?
If it was the NOT RUI3 version V1.0.4, that will erase the settings.

I was running RUI3 so it would not erase. I now understand how this works, thanks for the help!

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