Application BLE+Lora Rak4600

Hello RAK Team,

Can you please point me to some sample code for Lora+BLE (Peripheral) based on RUI not Arduino,
I checked RAK Github page but found only one example which is BLE scanner.

I also want to know if it is possible to have BLE always on in peripheral mode but then periodically turning on Lora chip ?


Hi Telekonix,

Please have a look on the RUI BLE examples here.

Hi RAKwireless,

Thanks for examples but both scanner and central are high power consumption applications on BLE, I am looking for peripheral applications with 4600 advertising where power consumption is minimal.


Hi Carl,

I am looking for Peripheral example, trying to advertise sensor data. Do you have any example on that. Both of example in the repository are central or scanner which require are high power consumption…


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