Hello, I am working on a research project involving the monitoring of soil conditions using humidity and pH sensors, and would like to know what recommendations you have for the best LoRaWAN kit to purchase to achieve this. This project will be using Raspberry Pi. The components needed will be transceivers (we have been looking at the RFM 95/96/97/98 (W) series) for the sensors, a concentrator, a Pi HAT, and some type of microcontroller at the sensor side. My supervisor told me that it’s possible you may have embedded systems that contain some of these components all together. For instance, do you have a transceiver system that already contains a microcontroller? We are trying to find the best kit that can meet our needs with the least amount of work needed. Thank you for your time.
Welcome to RAK forum @user23 .
I am afraid you need more guidance on this project.
We have soil moisture sensor in WisBlock family. However, we do not have PH.
WisBlock has microcontroller programmable in C. It cannot be integrated to RPi via Hat.
It depends on what kind of monitoring and the features you need but a microcontroller can be sufficient for this. No need for Raspberry pi.
If you will go on Rpi route, you can use our RAK3172 LPWAN module.