Hi, I have a RAK4631 that I want to receive messages over LoRa from an ESP32 (which uses an adafruit RFM95W LORA RADIO TRANSCEIVER). Is this possible? Do I just need to make sure that they are on the same frequency? Is there anything I have to do to match baud rates?
You need on both side same settings for the LoRa P2P communication:
- Frequency
- Spreading Factor
- Bandwidth
- Code Rate
- Preamble Length
- IQ inversion
- Syncword
Then it should work.
My ESP32 code has a function like LoRa.setSyncWord(0); so that I can set the Syncword, but I don’t see anything like this for the Wisblock code here - WisBlock/examples/RAK4630/communications/LoRa/LoRaP2P/LoRaP2P_TX/LoRaP2P_TX.ino at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub
Do you know where to set the SyncWord?
The syncword in the SX126x-Arduino library is preset to the default 0x2414.
Awesome thanks, got it working with that.