Convert Rak5146 from SPI to USB

I purchased an SPI model which works perfectly attached directly via PCIE to Raspberry gpio adapter.

Now I need to move the adapter to another SBC that supports PCIE for 4G/3G modem or USB PCIE card. I don’t have a PCIE to USB adapter at the time and I would like to avoid using it since I want to install the Rak on the PCIE which is inside of the chassis.

What is it needed on the Rak5146 to be recognized by the SBC running Linux?

I tried pulling the SX1303_RESET pin 22 PERF# down with a 10k resistor. I also tried pulling pin 13 MCU_NRESET with a 10k resistor but that didn’t seem to help.

Do I need to pull either of these in a timed manner? as in using GPIO instead of resistors?

Thank you