Development Environment for RAK11720 options

I’m interested to develop some product using RAK11720 (Apollo3 Blue). I see that I can get GitHub - nigelb/platform-apollo3blue: AmbiqMicro Apollo 3 Blue: development platform for PlatformIO for PlatformIO and RAK offers RUI3 on VSC.

Would anyone with some experience with the RAK11720 care to offer any comments on the usability of these development environments in practice. Thanks

Welcome back to the forum @PeterL

I am using the RAK11720 only with RUI3 and the API is now quite stable. I am not sure if the platform-apollo3blue will work with the RAK11720, you might need create a new variant manually to have the correct pins assignments.
And with the PIO platform, you will not have support for the LoRa transceiver, you will have to add it by yourself.
Another thing I am not sure about is the bootloader. If the PIO platform is using a different bootloader type, the whole thing might not work at all.

Hi Bernd … thanks for the information in your reply. I see that RAK has put some effort in both engineering and sales for the Apollo3Blue and its features, particularly for low power. RAK clearly sees the value and I think I do too.

Well … I bought a bunch of parts and I’m giving it a go. If RAK could; it would be useful to publish a table or schematic of the interconnection between the Apollo and Semtech parts inside the RAK11720 so developers can more easily ensure that the SPI and any other mappings to pin functions (numbers) are correct.

Thanks, Peter

HI Peter,

We have this listed for some of our modules, but I see, it is missing for the RAk11720.

On the Apollo3:

On the SX1262:

SX1262_ANT_SW is the power supply for the RF antenna switch
RF antenna switch direction is controlled by the SX1262 with DIO2 (you have to tell the SX1262 this setting)

Hope this helps.

How excellent … 5 Stars. Thanks very much. I know a few manufacturers who can take a lesson from you.

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