Differences RAK4630 vs RAK4631

Hi, I am new to Wisblock and struggle to find the difference between the RAK4630 and RAK4631.

Can I use the RAK4630 on a RAK19700 for Meshtatstic? Or do I need to have the RAK4631 for this?

In this forum, I can only find topics aboout the -R version. Meshtatstic only refers to the RAK4631, while the screenshot is containing the RAK4630 (!)

I am a bit confused. Thanks for clearing up!

Welcome to the forum @Voorstad

It is quite simple:

A RAK4630 is a WisDuo stamp module. A module that is designed to be used on PCB’s. This can be a custom PCB or a WisBlock Core Module PCB.

A RAK4631 is a WisDuo stamp module on a WisBlock Core Module PCB.

If you look at the bottom of the module you can see the RAK4631 label on the WisBlock Core PCB.
On the top you see the label of the RAK4630 stamp module.
We cannot change the label, as this would void the CE and FCC certifications of the module.

Thanks for the explanation! That really helped.