DNS using DNS servers manually set


I’ve found an odd bug that I’ve been able to replicate over the two devices that I have now (7249 and 7289). I originally had these devices setup using the default DNS entry because I was originally using the TTN network. However, I recently setup my own chirpstack that is local to our environment, and our DNS entry for that device is not open to the public. I then set the DNS servers on these devices to use our local campus DNS server so it could resolve the hostname of my chirpstack server. However, I found that despite me manually configuring these DNS servers via the GUI, the RAK devices weren’t using those DNS servers and was unable to resolve the address of my chirpstack server. To get around for this for now I’ve ssh’d into the devices and manually set the /etc/resolv.conf file with our DNS server information which fixed my issue. However, this file does get reverted back if the device reboots so it’s not sustainable. Has anyone switched dns servers in use and gotten the GUI to actually honor the set dns servers?