Please include the following information, in order for us to help you as effectively as possible.

My temp probe I built is not connecting - I can install bin file but wifi will not connect… I am wondering if the shop has sold me a kit with missing CORE block… as it says 2305 needs a separate CORE BLOCK - could you please guide me? We are stuck with it not being able ot connect due to Err 113 No Route to Host or Port not ready…

  • What product do you wish to discuss? RAK5005, RAK2305

  • What firmware are you using? I tried factory BIN files from RAK guide?

  • What firmware version? Can it be obtained with AT+VER=? I tried nothing works

  • Computer OS? (MacOS, Linux, Windows) Windows ESP Home Web

  • What Computer OS version? Win11 Pro

  • How often does the problem happen? all the time

  • How can we replicate the problem? just happens 24/7

  • Provide source code if custom firmware is used or link to example if RAKwireless example code is used.

RAK2305 is an IO Module and is not supposed to work without a Core Module like the RAK4631 or RAK11310.

1 Like

Thank you so much!

Major oversight by the reseller.
Being new to RAK took me 2 days to research and I already have 2x 4631 modules on the way.

Appreciated! Very grateful for your reply


Hi Bernd

I apologies to drag you into this with more questions.

I am totally green with this and just need few steps explained on how to bring my WisBlock onto my wifi…

I have tried Arudino Ide, and managed to upload some bits like temp probe, I could see it in the logs…., and wifi settings via examples too … but I am not being successful with connection…

I even tried bootloader but that sort of did not help.

Is there a chance you could help? Please?

Im on discord as raf_t_aud or happy to chat in any way possible… so close – just cannot crack it…

It is very had to find right materials online.

My config is :

Base Board 5005

Core Block 4631

Wifi Block 2305

And Module Sensor 1901

All I want is to get it to connect with ESP Builder in HA.



I am sorry, but I have no experience with Home Assist. Never tried it and I don’t know how to connect to it.

Hy Bernd

I can handle HA, that is fine - once I am in that territory… I have simply not been able to get the RAK2305 to talk to my WIFI…
I have now Adruino IDE, and can compile some code examples ot the modules and it will e.g. read temp/humidity probe in ESP home… so obviously the modules work… but I cannot find correct procedure for WIFI… there is an example but to date I have failed…

Any hints? Any help u could offer?

I would be truly grateful…


You mean it does not connect to your WiFi?

Follow this example connect_ap.ino

It takes 3 lines of AT commands to the RAK2305 to connect:

    // Set RAK2305 as AP and STA role
    execute_at("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n", "OK");

    // Set contry code
    execute_at("AT+CWCOUNTRY=0,\"CN\",1,13\r\n", "OK");

    // Connect AP with ssid and password
    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD);
    execute_at(cmd, "OK");

Hi Bernd

Yes thats what I meant… the simplest of steps was the hardest… and Iwill definitely try this very shortly.
I am so new to this RAK block thing - that I do apologize for being such a nuisance… and thank you again. Very much so.


hey Bernd

I have copied the example and I now can see in ESP home WEB logs that its pinging and also…
It saying connected to wifi… but its ip address is on a totally different range - so if it truly was connected to my network wouldnt it be given dhcp address to match my wifi? Instead of I get or


execute_at("AT+CWMODE=1\r\n", "OK");

“3” sets the ESP32 in combined AP + Station mode, you most likely see the AP IP address.
“1” sets the ESP32 in Station mode only. If it can connect, it will show the IP address assigned by your AP.
If it doesn’t show IP address, it can’t connect to your WiFi AP. Then you need to check the AP name and the APN password.

roger that - so compile new code, and reupload it to device with new “1” instead of “3” - doing it now…

hey Bernd:

Changed it to “1” this is the code I got…
but in ESP home when I try to connect… it says
improv WFIF Serial Not Detected
I think we r making progress… just not quite 100% yet :slight_smile:

Hey I cannot seem to post images - it wont let me… but its pinging I have a screen shot… second time round it did not say GOT IP… it is also continuing with improv port not detected.

r u on discord? would be maybe easier to show u…? raf_t_aud

I have checked both the SSID and the password - know these by heart… they are correct… is there a way to force these to be set as static?