Fiber Glass Antenna with RAK2245 Pi HAT Edition

Friends I need to know how much the range increases when using the 3db antenna And if it is possible to put this antenna on the pi hat And just one more query how many nodes can I connect to the pi hat


Hi @juankgp,

Theoretically up to 2x, however in practice this will never be the case as there will be interference, reflection, etc, etc. There are a lot of factors that might affect the RSSI, I suggest you test in yourt current settings, however I would expect upwards of 500m in Urban (NLOS) and several kilometers in Rural (LOS).
You can use an iPEX to SMA cable to put the antenna on the Pi Hat, those will be available shortly in the RAKwireless store. If you need it urgently, please contact [email protected]
Again theoretically upwards of 100 nodes can connect, even more than a thousand. However this depends on your scheme (ADR, number of channels used, duty cycle of the nodes, etc.)


Hi Hobo,
Thank you for your quick response, it’s pretty clear, please can you help me how I select the number of channels.
I’m a little lost with ADRs ,maybe you have a link where I can review the theory
Sorry for my English and thanks again

Hi @juankgp,

Which band are you in.

This is good info on ADR:


Hi @Hobo
I am in US915

Hi @juankgp,

What network server are you going to be using?
What about the nodes?
Please provide as much information about you setups as possible.
Thank you


Hi @Hobo
Ok, I’m starting in the world of lora wan, my plan is to get temperature and humidity in flowers, I’m using a pi hat as a gateway and wistrio as a node so the plan is put some nodes in some places.
In this moment I am use ttn server but Can you please advise me What is better ttn or lora server

Hi @juankgp,

The manual here explains how to configure the gateway, connect to TTN and choose the correct band. Once you do so for the US915 (it is named as US902-928 and it is the bottom most one in the list of bands), the packet forwarder is going to be configure to work with 8 of the US915 channels. You should be good once you do as the manual instructs.


Hi @Hobo,
Yes I already did the whole process and my gateway with pi hat and wistrio as a node and I have communication but I wanted to know how to improve the connection because I don’t have line of sight and I also wanted to know what is more advisable to use ttn or loraserver

Hi @juankgp,

Ok now that I know what you want perhaps we figure out something.
Can you tell me what the average RSSI of the packets you receive from the RAK5205 is, you can see this in TTN. Perhaps a screenshot of a received packet and its metadata would help.

I will recommend some things you try than.


Hi @Hobo,
Now I do not have it because today I did a test on the site that I need to work and not take note of the data I only did tests and stopped communicating at a distance because my gateway antenna is normal So I thought I could improve with a more powerful antenna And that’s why I come to you for help

Hi @juankgp,

You can of course, however having a more powerful antenna will only work for a given distance. The range is not infinite so you need to test, however I would test with the best RAK has to offer:
That is if your resource permit it.
Just make sure your RSSI is around 100-105 dBm, this should be around the threshold of proper frame reception.


Hi @Hobo,
Thanks for your help one question How do you recommend mounting the pi hat gateway in an outside box or just taking out the antenna, and one more question Do you recommend using ttn or loraserver with Ubuntu iso

Hi @juankgp,

Mounting the RAK2245 outside will require an IP67 casing, however it will be better as you can use a shorter cable for the antenna, which will introduce less loss. Inside you can have it bare, but might need a longer cable, more loss, thus potentially less range. Again depends on your settings. Also outside you might need Lightning protection, etc. RAK2245 is mostly for indoor unless you can build a good enough enclosure, power supply, protection system, antenna holder, etc.



Sorry if I am putting a dumb question but I am quite “dummy” when it comes to radio, power, etc. I have bought a RAK7243C Pilot Gateway and a Fiber Glass Antenna - 5.8dBi. How do I know it will not exceed the European power limits? Is it there anyway to control this by the RAK7243C software?
