Helium Field Tester - Read out TX RSSI online

The helium field tester is a great tool, but unfortunately I need it most in environments where reception is quite bad and uplinks work a lot better than downlinks.

So, without the ACKs or downlinks arriving, the field tester shows me nothing but “LOST” frames.
Is there a possibility to check the gateway RSSI/SNRs also with the pre-registered field testers or would I need to re-configure with my LNS setup in order to read out these parameters online?

Hi @surumadurum ,

If downlinks is not possible due to marginal RF strength, you can only get the RSSI/SNR metadata on the LNS side.

Yes, but how can I login to LNS console with the pre-registered version of the field tester?

I can check with our partner/provider if you need to have access. Another option is to register your Helium Field Tester to a LNS provider of your choice but we need to change OTAA parameters to avoid conflict.