How to connect LoRa node through the RAK7243 gateway to the chirpstack?

Issue:I follow a tutorial which tells me to set “devices” and other files on chirpstack,and then use RAK serial port tool to config, The serial port opened here as written in the tutorial is the serial port of RAK, but I can only detect the serial port of STM32. How do I open the serial port of RAK, and is my method of connecting to the node correct?

Setup:LoRa node: STM32L476+SX1276,GATEWAY:RAK7243



Which tutorial?

You wouldn’t use the serial tool to setup the gateway - that comes with a web interface or you use the Pi command line, see:

Setup:LoRa node: STM32L476+SX1276,

You can only use the RAK serial port tool to configure a compatible RAK LoRaWan node.

Your STM32L476 + SX1276 sounds like something else.

How you configure it would depend on the software running on that node, whatever it is.

Thank you so much! But I don’t know how to use pi command to config the node

Hei @elims ,

What node exactly are you using, I doubt it is a Raspberry Pi based one?
As Chris said it seems like it is not a RAK one, right?


I know where the problem is, so how do I check whether the gateway is configured with this node?

I read your question as you trying to get the gateway configured which has to be done to connect to a LoRaWAN server.

If this is the case, you will find the firmware for the Pi and the documentation here:

Once you have the basics installed, you can choose to run a LoRaWAN server on the Pi (OK for testing) or use something like the The Things Network. You would then enter the configuration details in to the server OR generate the config to use on your STM32 device.

It would be useful to know exactly what you have done so far and what you believe you need to do next.

I have configured and added the node on chirpstack, but it keeps showing “Never”, indicating that the node is not unsuccessful, right?

That would be the gateway has never been seen.

You may want to go back over the setup.

This raises the question if chirpstack will report a gateway present based on a stats message alone, or if it will only report the gateway present after the gateway has reported hearing an actual packet from a node.

I don’t know the answer to that.

I personally tend to debug by making sure the node is transmitting and the gateway receiving raw packets; then I worry if the network server is able to make sense of them.

Good question - but in this instance I suspect the setup of the Pi as the gateway AND as a ChirpStack hasn’t gone to plan along with some uncertainty by the OP about which moving part is which in his setup.

Hi there
I have my RAK 7243 configured and seen in Chirpstack.
So how do I connect my esp32 TBeam LoRa nodes to the gateway?

Hei @Emilioher ,

You need to register your nodes in the Application Server portion of Chirp-Stack and provision the EUIs and Key.


Hi Vladislav
any document or video to show how do it?

Hei @Emilioher ,

Maybe, I don’t know. The device you are using is not a RAK one, so the tutorial should be one made by them I suppose.
As for a general guideline son how the ChirpStack application server works:


Thanks again Vladislav.
Created an application and a device, but cannot read its Tx.
I’ll keep trying

@Emilioher ,

Ok are you sure it has joined the network. Can you at least see the raw data in the gateway tab? If not it might be an RF issue.


Not succeeding Vladislav :hot_face:

I configured my RAK 7243 wisgate Lora gateway. It is visible in Chirpstack.
But from there, I am stuck. Cannot see my device node ( ESP 32 Tbeam) transmitting a temperature sensor transmitting.
And cannot find a clear way to get through.
I have tried to create an application and a device in my gateway, via IP configuration, but cannot make my node be visible from there.
That would be a first step, before jumping into AWS

By the way, just reflashed my sd with RAK s latest firmware and no changes either

Is there a possibility to make a Meet meeting and show you my screen, to guide me? :pray: