How to program the button to control other controllers using the button

Issue: Basically, I want to control the other device/node/board/microcontroller using the button. For Example, I want the Rak 4631 board to send the data only when I press the button on my wisnode 7201. How and where to find the resources for that?




How are the RAK7201 and the RAk4631 connected?

The general question is Can we control anything using wisnode button? if we can, how?

The firmware in the RAK7201 sends a data packet over LoRaWAN when you push a button.

You need to forward the packet to your application where you then can take actions.

Maybe our Quick Start Guide and the AT command manual can help.

The Quick Start Guide does not provide much info on how to configure the 7201 to send commands to other devices. Any guidance manual on how to program the device to send different commands based on the 4 buttons would be very much useful. If anyone can share some experience based on use cases, that would be great.

What exactly do you mean by send commands to other devices?

The RAK7201 is a LoRaWAN device. It sends a data packet to a LoRaWAN server when you push a button.

It does not send data packets to other devices.

Hey beegee, So the other question is can you forward/use that data packet on server, as command to some other device? If yes, How? If No, what is the actual use of the button. Only use case I can think of is to get the feedback/review from the people. Is it specially made to do that only?

Behind a LoRaWAN server you can have integrations, like e.g. Datacake or a MQTT broker.
You can receive the button messages in an integration and generate downlinks to other devices connected to the LoRaWAN server.

But for that stuff I am not the expert.