Please include the following information, in order for us to help you as effectively as possible.
What product do you wish to discuss? RAK4631, RAK3372, RAK11200, RAK11310, RAK11722?
What firmware are you using? VSCode/PlatformIO
What firmware version?
Computer OS? (MacOS, Linux, Windows) Windows
What Computer OS version? Windows 11
How often does the problem happen? it is not a problem
How can we replicate the problem? yes I can replicate
Provide source code if custom firmware is used or link to example if RAKwireless example code is used.
Good morning,
I am using CayenneLPP to pack the sensors(RAK1904, RAK1906, RAK5801 and RAK12500) values read and library SX126x-Arduino to send the LPP package to LoRa Server.
I am using “Radio.Send”(from Radio.h in teh SX126x folder) but it is not working as I was expecting, I mean the LPP package is not being sent.
Could you help me to find the correct function and the way to send the LPP package?
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <CayenneLPP.h>
#include <SX126x-Arduino.h>
float celsius = -4.1;
float accel[] = {1.234, -1.234, 0};
float rh = 30;
float hpa = 1014.1;
float latitude = 42.3519;
float longitude = -87.9094;
float altitude = 10;
// Low Power Payload object - LPP
uint8_t size = 0;
extern struct Acel
float EixoX;
float EixoY;
float EixoZ;
float Movimento[3];
} RAK1904;
extern struct Ambiental
float Temperatura = 0;
float PressAtm = 0;
float Humidade = 0;
float ResistenciaAr = 0;
} RAK1906;
extern struct GeoLocalizacao
float Latitude = 0; // latitude em graus
float Longitude = 0; // Longitude em graus
float Altitude = 0; // Altitude em metros
float Acuracia = 0; // índice de precisão
float HDop = 0; // dispersão horizontal
float Velocidade = 0; // Velocidade em m/s
float Direcao = 0; // Direção em graus
uint8_t sats = 0; // número de satélites
} RAK12500;
void Empacota();
extern void LoRaEnvia();
#include <PackPayload.h>
void Empacota()
size = LPP.addTemperature(0, celsius);
if (size == 0) {
// not enough byte left to add the data
else {
// add function returned current payload size
LPP.addTemperature(7, RAK1906.Temperatura);
LPP.addRelativeHumidity(6, RAK1906.Humidade);
LPP.addBarometricPressure(8, RAK1906.PressAtm);
LPP.addGPS(10, RAK12500.Latitude, RAK12500.Longitude, RAK12500.Altitude);
// Call LoRaWAN library to send the frame
Radio.Send(LPP.getBuffer(), LPP.getSize());