I would like to receive time information through RAK7268V2

Hello, I am currently manufacturing a PCB using the LoRa module called ESP32-C3-SUPERMINI and SX1276, but the PCB does not have other parts, so I would like to receive time from RAK7268V2, the LoRa gateway, through SX1276 without receiving the Internet separately. However, I do not know how the gateway gives time, so I would like to ask for an answer
To sum it up briefly

  1. I would like to know what form RAK7268V2 is spending time with each other.
  2. If possible, I would like to know how to get the time.
  3. I have a headache.

It’s awkward for me to write and I might have missed the content, so if you leave a comment, I’ll solve it or answer it.
Thank you.


I am not a gateway/LoRaWAN server expert, but as far as I know:

The end node can request the time from the LoRaWAN server with a MAC command. If it is supported, depends on the LoRaWAN stack you are using on your end node. I do not know the ESP32-C3-SUPERMINI, but the LoRaWAN transceiver SX1276 is an older version.

A gateway like the RAK7268V2 is just a “gateway”, it forward messages between the end node and the LNS in both directions. A gateway does not communicate with the end node by itself.

Exception, if you are using the RAK7268V2 with it’s built-in LNS. But then it would be still the LNS app on the RAK7268 to send the time information to the end node and not the gateway app.

I need to make sure that what I understand is correct.
1.You can import time from the MCU to the MCU (esp32) from the gateway to sx1276 using the mac command on the MCU
2. Time information is not obtained in the form of exchanging it with each other.
Please check if the picture I drew is correct

The flow is like this:

(1) End Node issues “TimeRequest command” in it’s uplink.
(2) Gateway forwards “TimeRequest command” to the LoRaWAN server
(3) LoRaWAN server sends downlink to the end node with the time information
(4) Gateway forwards “time information” in downlink to the End Node
(5) End Node receives time information.

That is the only way I know for an end node to get time. The gateway’s time is not used for this purpose.

We are conducting several tests. If you have any questions or get a result, I will come back