Initial setup of RAK 7258 Gateway


I recently received the RAK 7258 gateway and I am trying to setup it according to instructions provided here:

and here:

I also updated to the latest FW version: 1.1.0042_Release r172

Apparently my device cannot connect to the local loraserver on the gateway.
What is wrong with my settings?


On local mqtt broker I saw following messages from gateway:

While trying to connect with device I got this message:

{“applicationID”:“5”,“applicationName”:“app5”,“deviceName”:“SAM R34”,“devEUI”:“000425191801dafb”,“devAddr”:“02042519”}

Device data:

DevEUI : 0x000425191801dafb
AppEUI : 0x0000000000000005
AppKey : 0x00000000000000000000000000000005
Join Request Sent for NA915
Joining Denied

Please see the setup:


Hi @cash
If i understand you right, you want to use build in LoRaServer. Yes?
For that you have to choose Build-in LoRa Server under Protocol menu in Gateway Configuration page.

MQTT Bridge is to point the Gateway to external LoRaServer, or another Gateway Broker .


Hi Todor,
Thanks for the fast reply.
I already did that and I see messages on local MQTT and also I can see that device is connecting to the gateway and to the server.
But it is not authorized…
What could it be?

I also don’t see any reply from application server on Mqtt and I cannot find any logs.

Can you test the same scenario, but change device to Class A ? Both in node and LoRaServer.

I have set both to type A.
I get the same results: device sends join request, I can see it in local mqtt broker, but it isn’t accepted.
Also I cannot see any answer from the application server.

RAK Wireless LoraWAN Gateway (1.1.0042_Release r172 20190628)

root@RAK7258:~# mosquitto_sub -d -v -h localhost -p 1883 -i mysub -t “#” -q 2
Client mysub sending CONNECT
Client mysub received CONNACK
Client mysub sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: #, QoS: 2)
Client mysub received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 2
Client mysub received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘gateway/60cXXXXXXXXXX350/rx’, … (310 bytes))
gateway/60cXXXXXXXXXX350/rx {“rxInfo”:{“mac”:“60cXXXXXXXXXX350”,“timestamp”:3123056940,“frequency”:902900000,“channel”:3,“rfChain”:0,“crcStatus”:1,“codeRate”:“4/5”,“rssi”:-59,“loRaSNR”:12.0,“size”:23,“dataRate”:{“modulation”:“LORA”,“spreadFactor”:10,“bandwidth”:125},“board”:0,“antenna”:0},“phyPayload”:“AAUAAAAAAAAA+9oBGBklBACHEz+fOyU=”}
Client mysub received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘application/5/device/000425191801dafb/join’, … (118 bytes))
application/5/device/000425191801dafb/join {“applicationID”:“5”,“applicationName”:“app5”,“deviceName”:“SAM R34”,“devEUI”:“000425191801dafb”,“devAddr”:“02042519”}
Client mysub received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘gateway/60cXXXXXXXXXX350/stats’, … (145 bytes))
gateway/60cXXXXXXXXXX350/stats {“mac”:“60cXXXXXXXXXX350”,“time”:“2019-07-06T06:47:35Z”,“rxPacketsReceived”:1,“rxPacketsReceivedOK”:1,“txPacketsReceived”:0,“txPacketsEmitted”:0}

Hi @cash,

It would seem that you are using the NA915 band in your node settings.
Can you please send a screenshot of the frequency setup of the lora concentrator?


I am able to see that the device is trying to connect to GW, it sends join request and I can see it in Live Device Data (picture attached)

here is freq. setup


I was able to make the device to join to the local server.
These are the gateway & device params:


Gateway settings

Join Parameters
DevEUI : 0x000425191801dafb
AppEUI : 0x0000000000000005
AppKey : 0x00000000000000000000000000000005

Join Request Sent for NA915
Joining Successful
DevAddr: 0x2042519

Application Configuration
DevType : CLASS A
ActivationType : OTAA
Transmission Type - UNCONFIRMED
FPort - 1

====================== Next challenge ========================
How to send data to the device?
Is it possible with local loraserver?

You need to change the region for debugging, because I see that your node is set to NA915, but your gateway is set to US915.