Issue in P2P rx

Hi friends,
I have trouble with rak811 in P2P mode. the issue occurs in sometimes. I put one node in P2P RX mode. sometimes the receiver doesn’t receive anything. but after some seconds, it receives a not valid data with not valid size. for example I should receive “hello world” but I receive an 186 bytes array with random bytes. However, sometimes I receive correct payload “hello world”.
how can I find the solution?

not valid payload array

valid payload array

as you see, there isn’t any relation between them

Hi @king

Which version of RAK811 firmware are you using?

I had deeper tests, in receiver sometimes I receive, sometimes I don’t receive, sometimes I get rx_P2PrxErrror.

edit: actually, P2P connection is not stable, even in low range tests in some endnodes (rak811);

Hi @king,

Are you using the open source version firmware of RAK811 from Github?

yes, I’m using the open source version.

Hi @king,

Maybe you can try our commercial firmware of RAK811.
Please have a look at this document:
You can find the commercial firmware and how to use P2P mode in this document.

do you mean I use at command method?
actually, I want the code to operate automatically.

Hi @king,

Actually, every AT command has called an API, and we have supplied a set of API for users to customize based on our commercial firmware.
Maybe you can havea look at this topic:

@Fomi, I have tested your modules with AT+Command procedure. but sometimes, I didn’t receive the signal in gateway. in simple words, some modules is unstable in P2P transmission.

a question: is it necessary to reset the micro after mode changing (lorawan and p2p)?
if I want to avoid resetting the micro what should I do?
a question: is it necessary to write to partition after some at commands (those in your code, like rf_config)? if I want to avoid, what should I do?