Issue on Rak2287 + GPS 99999


our GPS chip return always the same scheme :slight_smile:
raspberrypi4:~$ sudo cat /dev/ttyAMA0
▒b ▒▒▒▒▒▒v$GNRMC,V,N4D
▒b ز▒▒▒▒▒2$GNRMC,V,N4D
▒b8PuTTY▒b ▒V,N4D
$GLGSV,1,1,00▒b ▒▒V,N
$GNGLL,▒b ▒▒V,N*4D

I’ve try this a fresh pi os + rak_common_for_gateway
and chirpstack-gateway-os-base

but the result is the same.

have you any idea to try to resolve that ?

the gps antenna is correctly plugging on the right connector :wink:

It would appear you don’t have a GPS fix or possibly even the almanac yet.

What sort of environment are you trying this in? The further from outdoors in an open field, the more difficult it is going to be, eg, building structure overhead, in the shadow of a ridge, etc.

Even in good conditions you may have to leave it running for a while to obtain the GPS almanac from one of the satellites, which it needs to use the overall system.

But I suspect first you’re going to have to move it to somewhere with an unblocked view of more of the sky.

Hi Chris,

maybe, I should have added. there are 2 weeks, the chip work fine. GPs and Lora network work with a good reception. But my problem started 5 days ago. So, I’ve start by a new install, and with the antenna near the windows to see a clear sky.

With the pi os and the rak_common_for_gateway during two days near the window, I’ve the same result.

Today, a colleague lends me a serial gps chip. I try this on the raspi without the hat rakwireless.

A change could be due to a broken antenna, antenna lead, or connector. Or possible ESD damage.

A window doesn’t necessarily work for GPS, to get a good fix it really needs satellites in a diversity of directions. In a wooden house it might work indoors, in some other sort of building it might not.

Hi chris and jerome, I am having same problem can you suggest something so that it could work for me as well, gps is giving empty NMEA strings on /dev/ttyAMA0.
setup: ( Rasberry pi 4 model B + rak2287 + pi hat )