JOIN Fail Messages

Hi, I get at least 3 different Fail messages during JOIN procedure. Please, can you give more details about each message (meaning)?

Version: RUI_4.1.0_RAK3172-E


Hi @IGtti ,

The join errors indicate that there is no join accept received by the devices. If you want to troubleshoot why this happen, there errors wont give much help.

+EVT:JOIN_FAILED_RX_TIMEOUT - Both RX window didn’t receive join accept
+EVT:JOIN_FAILED_6 - RX2 window didn’t receive any join accept
+EVT:JOIN_FAILED - General error for failed join attempt

I am not sure why you get all this failed returns but it can be on the configuration of the device.

If you are solving a join related issue, these are the things you can look at:

  1. Ensure that you are in a coverage of a gateway and it is online.
  2. Ensure antennas of both device and GW are properly mounted.
  3. Ensure that the frequency band on the device, gateway and network server (both on device registration and gateway) are all the same.
  4. Ensure that the sub-band are correctly configured incase you use US915, AU915, AS923-x.
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In addition @IGtti , the RUI3 is now open source. You can check the full implementation of RAK3172 here - GitHub - RAKWireless/RAK-STM32-RUI: RUI3 BSP for RAK3172 modules

As for the error code _6, you can check it here -

I am not really familiar with the whole source code since this is developed by our RUI3 development team. But I try my best to navigate it. It is easy to check text and lines of code in Github to find stuff anyway.

Hi @carlrowan ,

I am writing my code and adding the ways for the exceptions. Initially I had only this error message: +EVT:JOIN_FAILED. Than, after changing some configuration in the device (on purpose) I got the other error messages… and decided to add/check them in the code as well.

Note: In the AT Commands documentation there is a missing caracter “_” in the message:

Error message

Thank you for the explanations.

Hi @IGtti ,

I tried different configuration on my device (adr, cfm, dcs, band) but I still can’t replicate your situation. I can copy your configurations if you can share me then I will check the AT replies.

Noted on

Hi @carlrowan ,

I have a gateway, the different messages happened when I changed some configuration on the gateway.
The most important for me was to consider the different messagens in my device code.

Thanks again for the support.