Join Link for Discord Server

I know this is a duplicate of the previous post but I am not able to join the RAKSTARS discord server with the link available online. Can anyone help with that?

Can you try this @havko - RAKStars

That worked, thank you!

Hello, sorry for disturbing the post, but can i have the invite too? seems the link is broken again

Hi @Juans ,

I am not sure what you need on discord server. But if this is for MNTD or Helium related products, you can send an email to [email protected].

Here’s our official announcement on moving out MNTD official support on discord.

We are streamlining the support process and we recommend to send support inquiry via email, forum or also in our social media channels.

Well, i just wanted to chill sometimes there. I thought the discord server was a place where everyone could share their projects and chat with people, not a support channel, but it’s ok. I’m good :slight_smile: