Using RAK11310 plugged into RAK19001 and screwed down. Antenna is connected.
Using Arduino IDE v2.3.3.
AT+VER=? yields +VER:1.0.0 Oct 20 2021 09:56:48
On fully updated Windows 11 PC. Board connected via USB cable.
Problem is 100% persistent.
Problem occurs upon establishing blank sketch and pressing Verify button.
Error Message: arm-none-eabi-g++: error: Raeth\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino\sketches\E034F41F9E84F40C81531BEB414A0421/linker_script.ld: No such file or directory
At issue, I think, is that the user name is “Peter Raeth”. The user directory is C:\Users\Peter Raeth.
I think, off the top of my head, that the problem lies in the blank in the directory name. It is not possible to change the directory name. There are no blanks in Sketchbook Location within File/Preferences.
Is there a script somewhere I can change to add quotes to build commands?
Is there some other solution? Have used this very same installation to program several different types of Arduino boards and modules. This is the first time I have encountered the present situation. That is why I think it is a RAKwireless issue.
I can confirm there is a problem if your Windows User name includes a space.
The RAK11300 Arduino BSP is based on the ArduinoCore-mbed and the only change we are doing is to add the RAK11300 as a variant.
We did not write the scripts that are used by the ArduinoIDE for the compilation and linking process and cannot help much with this problem.
Many thanks for your thorough examination Bernd. This is indeed an Arduino IDE issue. I guess a second option is to create a new no-space user and install under that name. But that would leave me without access to other tools. * sigh * Will open a ticket with Arduino.
Going to stick with Arduino IDE because I am transitioning a LoRa P2P project from Arduino to RAKwireless. Those who are interested in that project generally use the Arduino IDE.
Have opened a ticket with Arduino regarding the “blanks in username” issue.
The most recent v1.x IDE is working well and the basic check-battery example is now running. The RAK11310 documentation was exact and easy to follow.