Looking for source: LoRaWan-RAK4630.h (continue)

After adding your code below, “variant.h” is not fixed yet.
"#include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h>

Then there is another error:[.pio\build\wiscore_rak4631\lib9ef\Adafruit_TinyUSB_Arduino\arduino\Adafruit_USBH_Host.cpp.o] Error 1

How can I fix it?

Looks like something is wrong with the nRF52 platform installation in PlatformIO.

Try to re-install the platform
Make sure you applied the patch RAK_PATCH.zip

When I double check install RAK_PATCH.zip, I can’t install the patch

"C:\Users\hotan>cd C:\Users\hotan.platformio\RAK_PATCH

C:\Users\hotan.platformio\RAK_PATCH>python rak_patch.py
cannot find"

Did you try

py ./rak_patch.py
python ./rak_patch.py

When it runs, there could be some error output, but as long as there is no error for RAK4631 is should be ok.

I tried your code but it didn’t work at all, they weren’t patched.

Do you have any ideas?

Try to go through this tutorial Installation of Board Support Package in PlatformIO

Not sure why it doesn’t work on your installation.

At step for “update”, which project do I have to open and create? Is it the nRF52, ESP32 or Raspberry Pi RP2040 package?

What does it mean “compile the project”? Or just “build” and “upload”?

As you want to develop for the RAk4631, it is nRF52. You can choose “build” for the project.

@beegee ,

Does RAKWireless have plans to catalog Wisblock Cores in Platformio boards?
I mean to avoid to “extra” installation procedure RAK_PATCH.zip


No plans at the moment.
I was looking how to create a platform for PIO, but I never found the time to go through it.

Thank you by your support.