Lora gateway RAK7268V2 Breathing LED

Hi there, I tried to configure my new gateway RAK7268V2. lt looks going work, but the breathing led status color is blue, what I assume the light color should be green if I confirgure is right.
Can anyone please advise me.

Hello @qding2008 and welcome to the RAK forum,

The blue light on the breathing led means everything is good, it is the normal light.
If you want to change the normal status light color to green you can do that using the extension for breathing light. More about the extension and how to install it and use it can be found here: WisGateOS 2 Extensions | RAKwireless Documentation Center

Best Regards,
Nikola Semov

Thank you let me know my configure so far is all right. I will go to have look the RAK documents center that I didn’t know.
thank you again!

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