Lora Gateway stops receiving data packets from Sensor

Issue: Lora Gateway stops receiving data packets from Sensor after 20 minutes

Setup: Rak2243 Pilot Gateway Pro

LoRa® Server: Chirpstack

Details: I have sensors connected and activated on my Chirpstack server but after some time my gateway stops receiving data. The data consistently stops coming in after twentyish minutes and not sure what could be causing this issue.


If your Rak2243 Pilot Gateway Pro stops receiving data packets from sensors after about 20 minutes, it is possible that there is an issue with the gateway’s configuration or with the radio frequency (RF) environment.

Here are a few potential causes and troubleshooting steps to consider:

  1. RF interference: LoRa is susceptible to RF interference, which can cause the gateway to miss incoming packets. Check for any nearby sources of interference, such as other wireless devices or equipment, and try moving the gateway away from them if possible. Additionally, make sure that the gateway and sensors are not too far apart, as this can also cause packets to be lost.

  2. Gateway configuration: Check the gateway’s configuration settings to ensure that they are set correctly for your specific use case. In particular, make sure that the frequency plan and data rate settings match those of your sensors.

  3. Power supply: A weak or unstable power supply can cause the gateway to stop receiving packets. Make sure that the gateway is powered by a stable power source that is capable of supplying sufficient power.

  4. Firmware: Check that the gateway firmware is up-to-date and functioning properly. Consider updating the firmware to the latest version if it is not already up-to-date.

  5. Network connectivity: Make sure that the gateway is connected to the network and that there are no issues with network connectivity.

  6. ChirpStack configuration: Check the ChirpStack server configuration to ensure that it is set up correctly for your specific use case. In particular, make sure that the network server and application server settings match those of your gateway and sensors.

  7. LoRa channel utilization: Make sure that the number of sensors using the same channel as your gateway is not too high, as this can cause interference and packet loss.