LoRa Gateway with MQTT Broker - Reading sensor data using Python

Hello, I have a Wisgate Edge Lite 2 LoRa gateway (RAK7268CV2) and I can send messages to the gateway from my Arduino. But I want to know how to use python as shown in the link here Use the MQTT Broker Like a Pro + Examples | RAKwireless Documentation Center

I want to access my sensor data from my python program but I am having difficulties.
On my PC I am connected to the hotspo of the LoRa Gateway (its IP address is, on the Gateway I can see my application ID is 1, I can see my device EUI. When I go to the configuration page on the Gateway, on the Built-In network server I can see that the Gateway Backend MQTT Broker Address is and the port is 1883.

But when I put these details into the python example here Use the MQTT Broker Like a Pro + Examples | RAKwireless Documentation Center
I get an error saying ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

My code is:

import json
import base64
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from datetime import datetime
mqtt_ip = '' 
mqtt_port = 1883
mqtt_rx_topic = 'application/1/device/a8610a3439307f10/rx'

# Type the IP of your server
mqtt_ip = '' 
mqtt_port = 1883
# Type your username and password. If the private MQTT server does not require username and password, commend the lines
# mqtt_username = 'username'
# mqtt_password = 'password'
# Replace the "id" with the id of your application and "eui" with your device eui

#mqtt_rx_topic = 'application/c1f1563eaa48956c962b60324c03f68a/device/a8610a3439307f10/rx'

mqtt_rx_topic = 'application/1/device/a8610a3439307f10/rx'
# After subscribing to the node's data, send the "Hello RAKwireless" string to the node
def on_print_rak_node_info(payload):
    json_str = payload.decode()
        json_rx = json.loads(json_str)
        dev_eui = json_rx['devEUI']
        app_id = json_rx['applicationID']
# Industrial gateway default tx topic
        tx_topic = 'application/%s/device/%s/tx' % (app_id, dev_eui)
        str_hello = "Hello RAKwireless"
        tx_msg = '{"confirmed":true,"fPort":10,"data":"%s" }' % str(base64.b64encode(str_hello.encode("utf-8")).encode("utf-8"))
        mqttc.publish(tx_topic, tx_msg, qos=0, retain=False)
        print('Send \'Hello RAKwireless\' to node %s' % dev_eui)
    except Exception as e:
        raise e

mqttc = mqtt.Client()
mqttc.on_message = on_message

# Connect to mqtt broker, the heartbeat time is 60s
mqttc.connect(mqtt_ip, mqtt_port, 60)
mqttc.subscribe(mqtt_rx_topic, 0)

The address is pointing to the gateway itself.
You need to identify the IP address of this gateway on your network.
You can see this in the network settings of the gateway itself.