Lora server setup documentation not updated



LoRa® Server:

Details: I flashed the newest firmware 1.3.9_RAK b186 but now the “Build-in LoRa Network Server Configuration” is not matching anymore. Where can I get the updated documentation?

Hello @starfish ,

There wasn’t a change in the Built-in LNS in firmware 1.3.9.
Could you explain what you mean by mismatching in the configuration?


when using this doc Build-in LoRa Network Server Configuration | RAKwireless Documentation Center the menus and setup possibilities look completely different.
how can I config the LNS and register lora nodes?

ok my mistake - didnt realize that the menu structure changes when switching the mode.
finally it works - but it would be helpful if you could add an example about registering 3rd party preconfigured end nodes.
something else I found confusing, entering the appkey on application level. on TTN this has to be done on end-device level which enables all end-devices having their own appkey.


When creating the application you can select a separate application key which will allow you to have separate keys for each device.


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