LoRaWan Gateway developer kit recive data

I have LoRaWan Gateway developer kit (RAK831_868 & RPI3+)
I am trying to accept data sent from another Lora module using “util_spectral_scan” from ttn-gateway.
pi@ttn-gateway:/opt/ttn-gateway/lora_gateway/util_spectral_scan $ sudo ./util_spectral_scan -f 867:0.1:869 -n 1000 -b 200 -l “log”
+++ Start spectral scan of LoRa gateway channels +++
ERROR: Spectral Scan is not supported (0x0)

Am I correctly trying to read the data ?
Is there a description of using “ttn-gateway”?

Hi @Bones,

What exactly is the purpose of running the spectral scan. You simply want to ascertain that the gateway sees the packets sent from the LoRa Node?
What firmware are you using ?


Hi @Hobo,
I’m trying to see the data sent from the TTGO module to “RAK831_868 & RPI3 +”.
Using “Semtech Lora Gateway project” with HAL version 5.0.1.
This project shows an example of using HAL? And for use in my project is not suitable?


I found that I need to use another program for data logging (util_pkt), but my transmission does not exist.

Hi @Bones,

I recommend the following. The firmware you are using I believe is 2 years old.
RAKwireless has new firmware for the RAK831. It is based on Raspbian and works very nice.
It includes LoRa Server as a built-in network server and of-course you can also use TTN.
I recommend downloading and flashing it from the link with Balena Etcher:
I you are willing to use it I will be be able to better assist you. I am not that familiar with The one you are using and it will be a lot harder to troubleshoot.
Is it possible to move to the RAK firmware ?
I am confident this will make coming to the solution a lot quicker


Hi @Hobo,

I installed the latest version.
I need to see the sent packet from another lora module.
With parameters:
Frequency = 868E6
Spreading factor 12
Signal Bandvidth = 125E3

How to do it with LoRaWan Gateway developer kit?

Hi @Bones,

Could you please first take a look at the following manual to make sure you have properly configured the gateway, so we can proceed:


Hi @Hobo,

Done! What’s next?


Hi @Bones,

We if you followed the manual and registered the gateway and the node with TTN you should be able to see the data live in the application console.

Hi @Hobo,

If I send any data from another module(TTGO) at frequency EU(863-870) near Lora base station, will I see it online on the LoraServer?
I understand correctly?

Hi @Bones,

If the node successfully connects and is authenticated you can see all this in the Gateway section, where the RAW data is.
But I thought you were using TTN ?


Hi @Hobo,

Maybe I incorrectly explained.
Task: receiving and transmitting data between a base station (RAK831_868 & RPI3+) and Node (TTGO LORA SX1278).
Is it possible?
