MC20 not response

I’m developing over RAK13101 (MC20) and RAK11200 (ESP32). Downloading sketch “Unvarnished_Transmission.ino” to the esp32 without sim card, the mc20 answers correctly to different commands like
But the problem is that after inserting the SIM card, the module MC20 doesn’t answer any more.

I would appreciate your suggetions

Hi @Jorgela ,

I tested on two different sim cards and it still works fine (also using RAK11200).

Maybe you can confirm first if the sim card is working using smartphone? Also, if you can try to test with different sim card?

Hi, Carl
The sim card works fine in a smartphone. I also tried with the sim card of my own phone and got the same results.
without the sim card, the green led blinks. But after I install the sim card and reboot, it doesnt answer to AT commands any more neither does the led blink.
I would appreciate your suggestions. Is there anything you suggest to measure/try?

Hi @Jorgela ,

I am not sure why it goes like that. Is the sim card properly inserted and you here the little snap sound? Are there any noticeable burnt or unusual marks on the module itself? Is the VDD level still ok when SIM card is inserted? Does the SIM card support GSM (since MC20 doesn’t supprot LTE and newer cellular tech)? Do you test with external power source (battery) and not just only via USB cable? If you have extra WisBlock Core and Base, maybe we can try on that too (just thinking out loud that issue can be on the interconnection to the core or base).

I finally solved the problem. Before connecting the USB cable to the motherboard, the MC20 needs the battery to be connected, otherwise the mc20 will stop responding to At commands.

Does the example “WisBlock/examples/common/communications/Cellular/RAK13101_MC20_Module/GSM_TCP/GSM_TCP.ino at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock · GitHub” really work? I’m unable to make the GPS reading and TCP communication work in the same sketch using the MC20 and ESP32.

Hi @Jorgela ,

Can you run GNSS and TCP independently? If yes, were you able to check the value of tmp string and cmd array before it was used on the AT Command?

Hi Carlos y @beegee,

We bought the RAK13101 because there is no NB-IoT or LTE-M in our region. The device works but only when the USB cable and battery are connected. If the device is left with only battery power, it will not turn on again until the USB port is reconnected.

I deactivated the AT+QGNSSC=0 module, which deactivates the battery power but still does not turn on, and if I set it to 1 it does not turn on with the battery either.

I need to understand if this module is how it works or if I am doing something wrong.

I am using RUI3, but I disable the JOIN so that it does not connect to Lora and I can use the low consumption of RUI3

#include <Wire.h>

#include "inc/app.h"

#define POWER_KEY WB_IO5
String at_rsp = "";
String gps_data = "";

String leerBuffer() {
    String respuesta = "";
    while (Serial.available()) {
        char c =;
        respuesta += c;
    return respuesta;

// Función para obtener y procesar los datos GPS
void get_gps_data() {
    char cmd[128] = {0};
    unsigned long start_time = millis();  // Marcar el tiempo de inicio
    bool datos_validos = false;

    mc20_at("AT+QSCLK=0", 1000);
    // Intentar obtener datos GPS durante un máximo de 60 segundos
    while (millis() - start_time < 60000) {  // 60 segundos
        mc20_at("AT+QGNSSRD=\"NMEA/GGA\"", 5000);  // Solicitar datos GPS

        if (gps_data.length() > 0 && (gps_data.indexOf(",N,") > 0 || gps_data.indexOf(",S,") > 0)) {
            // Validar si los datos GPS son válidos (latitud válida)
            datos_validos = true;
            break;  // Salir del bucle si se encuentran datos válidos

        delay(2000);  // Esperar 2 segundos antes del siguiente intento

    if (datos_validos) {
        // Si se encontraron datos GPS válidos, enviar el paquete
    } else {
        Serial.println("No se encontraron datos GPS válidos dentro del tiempo límite.");
        gps_data = "";  // Limpiar los datos si no fueron válidos

// Función para enviar los datos GPS a través de LoRa
void send_packet() {
    char cmd[128] = {0};
    String tmp = "";

    if (gps_data.length() > 0) {
        // Preparar y enviar los datos GPS procesados
        tmp = "AT+QISEND=" + String(gps_data.length());
        tmp.toCharArray(cmd, 128);
        mc20_at(cmd, 1000);  // Enviar la longitud de los datos

        memset(cmd, 0, 128);
        gps_data.toCharArray(cmd, 128);  // Convertir datos GPS a formato de comando
        mc20_at(cmd, 1000);  // Enviar los datos GPS procesados

        Serial.println("Datos GPS enviados:");
        Serial.println(gps_data);  // Mostrar los datos enviados
    } else {
        Serial.println("No hay datos GPS para enviar.");

    gps_data = "";  // Limpiar los datos después de enviarlos

    mc20_at("AT+QSCLK=2", 1000);

// Función principal (handler) que llama a las otras funciones
void handler(void *data) {
    get_gps_data();  // Obtener y procesar los datos GPS
    delay(2000);     // Esperar 2 segundos antes de terminar

void setup()
  String leerBuffer();
  // Inicializar la comunicación serial
  while (!Serial)

  // Inicialización del módem BG77
  time_t serial_timeout = millis();
  time_t timeout = millis();
  bool moduleSleeps = true;
  while ((millis() - timeout) < 6000)
    if (Serial1.available())
      String result = Serial1.readString();
      Serial.println("Modem response after start:");
      moduleSleeps = false;

  if (moduleSleeps)
    // Despertar el módulo
    pinMode(POWER_KEY, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(POWER_KEY, 0);
    digitalWrite(POWER_KEY, 1);
    digitalWrite(POWER_KEY, 0);
   // Configurar el módulo para cambiar a modo de comandos cuando DTR cambia a OFF

  Serial.println("MC20 power up!");

  // Registrar en la red GSM
  mc20_at("AT+CGACT=1,1", 3000); 
  mc20_at("AT+QGNSSC=0", 2000);
  mc20_at("AT+COPS=?", 10000);
  mc20_at("AT+COPS=0,2,\"714020\"", 5000);
  mc20_at("AT+QICSGP=1,\"\",\"\",\"\"", 5000); 
  //mc20_at("AT+COPS?", 3000); 
  //mc20_at("AT+CREG?", 3000);
  //mc20_at("AT+CSQ", 2000);
  mc20_at("AT+QPING=\"\",100,4", 10000);  // Ping DNS público de Google
  // Conectar a TCP
  mc20_at("AT+QIOPEN=\"TCP\",\"\",10560", 10000);
  mc20_at("AT+QSCLK=2", 1000);

  // Crear el temporizador para ejecutar la función periódica
  if (api.system.timer.create(RAK_TIMER_0, (RAK_TIMER_HANDLER)handler, RAK_TIMER_PERIODIC) != true) {
    Serial.printf("Error al crear el temporizador.\r\n");
  // Iniciar el temporizador con un intervalo de 1000 ms (1 segundo)
  else if (api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_0, 30000, NULL) != true) {
    Serial.printf("Error al iniciar el temporizador.\r\n");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Temporizador creado y comenzado correctamente.");

void loop()
  // api.system.scheduler.task.destroy();

// Función para enviar comandos AT al módem y obtener respuestas
void mc20_at(char *at, uint16_t timeout)
  char tmp[256] = {0};
  int len = strlen(at);
  strncpy(tmp, at, len);
  uint16_t t = timeout;
  tmp[len] = '\r';
  while (t--)
    if (Serial1.available())
      at_rsp += char(;
  if (at_rsp.indexOf("GNGGA") > 1)
    gps_data = at_rsp;
    gps_data = gps_data.substring(gps_data.indexOf("$"));
    parse_gps();  // Parsear los datos GPS
  at_rsp = "";

// Función para procesar los datos GPS
void parse_gps() {
    // Verificar que los datos contienen "GNGGA"
    int gnggaIndex = gps_data.indexOf("GNGGA,");
    if (gnggaIndex == -1) {
        Serial.println("Error: 'GNGGA' no encontrado en los datos.");
        gps_data = "";  // Limpiar datos si no son válidos

    // Recortar los datos desde "GNGGA"
    gps_data = gps_data.substring(gnggaIndex + 6);

    // Determinar si contiene "E" o "W" y recortar
    int directionIndex = gps_data.indexOf("E");
    if (directionIndex == -1) {
        directionIndex = gps_data.indexOf("W");

    if (directionIndex == -1) {
        Serial.println("Error: No se encontró 'E' o 'W' en los datos.");
        gps_data = "";  // Limpiar datos si no son válidos

    // Extraer la información necesaria (hora y coordenadas)
    gps_data = gps_data.substring(0, directionIndex + 1);

    //Serial.println("Datos GPS procesados:");
