Long time user of a RAK2287 Pi Hat + RAK2287 Pcie board on a Pi3, I start to be really bored of SD card dying on PI and getting my GW down. It clearly is not a long time workable configuration.
What is best solution I could use that would be compatible with that hw to avoid these issues and point of failure with SD Card ?
I know you can boot Pi3 from an SSD but it’s just a nightmare to get it working and an external SSD connected via USB on the PI doesn’t seem to be very reliable too.
I was thinking perhaps about CM4 with integrated storage but it doesn’t exist anymore
I’ve used Raspberry Pi in various applications. So far, the longest running one without interruption with SD card related issue is my Raspberry Pi 400. I got it three years ago and used it to convert my non-smart LED TV as a smart TV. It is mostly used daily for Netflix and Youtube.
Probably a combination of good SD card, power supply with enough juice in it and proper shutdown sequence might help to make any Rpi-based device have better operating condition with less interruption caused by SD card corruption.
As with the story of RAK Hotspot Miners which has SD cards, some got really bad experience with its SD cards but majority are operating well I suppose.