Mylog sensor data rak12037 not loaded

Hello Mr. beegee

I’m trying to add rak12037 sensor data to a rui3 best practices example.

Analyzing the hexadecimal that the equipment sends I can notice that the data from rak12037 is not there.

The last two bytes are from the battery charge.

You can check the code that I am going to attach to see if you find my error.



What RUI3 device are you using? RAK3172, RAK11720 or RAK4630?

Is there any debug output from your code if the RAK12037 was detected.

Can you attach your code here as ZIP file? I can’t download from OneDrive.

Hi beegee,

Divice is Rak4630, rui4.1.1

I understand that if on line 309 of the main code in .ino

When I try to upload a .zip file it tells me that the platform does not support this type of file

check .ino
RUI3-WisBlock-Kit-1.ino (9.8 KB)

RAK12037-co2.cpp (3.4 KB)

app.h (2.1 KB)

upload in format .zip, please try

or if possible I can send it to you by mail or another platform that you indicate.

best regards.

Do you have any log output from the device?
In a first quick look on your code, I don’t see that it enables 3V3_S. The RAK12037 is using this controllable 3.3V supply:

You need to set WB_IO2 to HIGH, otherwise the RAK12037 does not work.

If you run on battery, what I do is:

Time to measure? yes ==> switch on 3V3_S ==> digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);
Wait (~30 seconds) to let the sensor gather reliable values
Read sensor
Shutdown sensor ==> digitalWrite(WB_IO2, LOW);

If you don’t care about current consumption, enable 3V3_S in the setup() with digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);

Thank you for your answers,

Please tell me where I located the code so that I don’t discharge the battery. Currently I set it to void setup so I understand it is going to consume a lot of battery.

#include "inc/app.h"
#include "inc/wisblock_cayenne.h"

/** Packet is confirmed/unconfirmed (Set with AT commands) */
bool g_confirmed_mode = false;
/** If confirmed packet, number or retries (Set with AT commands) */
uint8_t g_confirmed_retry = 0;
/** Data rate  (Set with AT commands) */
uint8_t g_data_rate = 0;

/** Flag if transmit is active, used by some sensors */
volatile bool tx_active = false;

/** fPort to send packages */
uint8_t set_fPort = 2;

/** Payload buffer */
WisCayenne g_solution_data(255);

uint32_t g_send_repeat_time = 0;

/** Flag if RAK1901 was found */
bool has_rak1901 = false;

/** Flag if RAK1902 was found */
bool has_rak1902 = false;

/** Flag if RAK12037 was found */
bool has_rak12037 = false;

volatile bool sensor_heatup_finished = false;
bool has_rak1906 = false;
float g_last_temp = 0.0;
float g_last_humid = 0.0;
bool g_has_last_values = false;

 * @brief Callback after join request cycle
 * @param status Join result
void joinCallback(int32_t status)
	if (status != 0)
		MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "LoRaWan OTAA - join fail! \r\n");
		// To be checked if this makes sense
		// api.lorawan.join();
		MYLOG("JOIN-CB", "LoRaWan OTAA - joined! \r\n");
		digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);

 * @brief LoRaWAN callback after packet was received
 * @param data pointer to structure with the received data
void receiveCallback(SERVICE_LORA_RECEIVE_T *data)
    MYLOG("RX-CB", "RX, port %d, DR %d, RSSI %d, SNR %d", data->Port, data->RxDatarate, data->Rssi, data->Snr);
    for (int i = 0; i < data->BufferSize; i++)
        Serial.printf("%02X", data->Buffer[i]);
    tx_active = false;

    // Parse the incoming command
    switch (data->Buffer[0] & 0xff)
    // Change send interval (custom AT command)
    case 0x41:
      if (data->BufferSize == 4) //---->AT+SENDINT
         uint32_t new_value = (data->Buffer[1] << 16 | data->Buffer[2] << 8 | data->Buffer[3]);

    // Change data rate (standard AT command)
    case 0x02:
        uint8_t new_value = data->Buffer[1];
    // Other commands
        // Add additional cases for other commands if needed

 * @brief Handler for send frequency AT commands
 * @param port Serial port used
 * @param cmd char array with the received AT command
 * @param param char array with the received AT command parameters
 * @return int result of command parsing
 * 			AT_OK AT command & parameters valid
 * 			AT_PARAM_ERROR command or parameters invalid

 * @brief Save and set new send interval
 * @param new_interval new interval time in milliseconds

void save_and_set_sendfreq(uint32_t new_interval)
	// Assign new value
	custom_parameters.send_interval = new_interval;

   	MYLOG("APP", "New sendint %08X %d", new_interval, new_interval);
	// Stop the timer
	if (custom_parameters.send_interval != 0)
		// Restart the timer
		api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_0, custom_parameters.send_interval, NULL);
	// Save custom settings

 * @brief Callback for LinkCheck result
 * @param data pointer to structure with the linkcheck result
void linkcheckCallback(SERVICE_LORA_LINKCHECK_T *data)
	MYLOG("LC_CB", "%s Margin %d GW# %d RSSI%d SNR %d", data->State == 0 ? "Success" : "Failed",
		  data->DemodMargin, data->NbGateways,
		  data->Rssi, data->Snr);

 * @brief LoRaWAN callback after TX is finished
 * @param status TX status
void sendCallback(int32_t status)
	MYLOG("TX-CB", "TX status %d", status);
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
	tx_active = false;

 * @brief LoRa P2P callback if a packet was received
 * @param data pointer to the data with the received data
void recv_cb(rui_lora_p2p_recv_t data)
	MYLOG("RX-P2P-CB", "P2P RX, RSSI %d, SNR %d", data.Rssi, data.Snr);
	for (int i = 0; i < data.BufferSize; i++)
		Serial.printf("%02X", data.Buffer[i]);
	tx_active = false;

 * @brief LoRa P2P callback if a packet was sent
void send_cb(void)
	MYLOG("TX-P2P-CB", "P2P TX finished");
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);
	tx_active = false;

 * @brief LoRa P2P callback for CAD result
 * @param result true if activity was detected, false if no activity was detected
void cad_cb(bool result)
	MYLOG("CAD-P2P-CB", "P2P CAD reports %s", result ? "activity" : "no activity");

 * @brief Arduino setup, called once after reboot/power-up
void setup()

	// Setup for LoRaWAN
	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
		g_confirmed_mode = api.lorawan.cfm.get();

		g_confirmed_retry = api.lorawan.rety.get();

		g_data_rate = api.lorawan.dr.get();

		// Setup the callbacks for joined and send finished
	else // Setup for LoRa P2P

	digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);

	pinMode(WB_IO1, OUTPUT);
	digitalWrite(WB_IO1, LOW);
	pinMode(WB_IO2, OUTPUT);
	digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);

	// Start Serial

	// Delay for 5 seconds to give the chance for AT+BOOT


	Serial.println("HardaweSignals Sensor calidad de aire");
	Serial.println("Setup the device with WisToolBox or AT commands before using it");
	Serial.printf("Version %s\n", api.system.firmwareVersion.get().c_str());

	// Initialize module

	// Register the custom AT command to get device status
	if (!init_status_at())
		MYLOG("SETUP", "Add custom AT command STATUS fail");

	// Register the custom AT command to set the send interval
	if (!init_interval_at())
		MYLOG("SETUP", "Add custom AT command Send Interval fail");

	// Get saved sending interval from flash

	digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW);

	// Create a timer.
	api.system.timer.create(RAK_TIMER_0, sensor_handler, RAK_TIMER_PERIODIC);
	if (custom_parameters.send_interval != 0)
		// Start a timer.
		api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_0, custom_parameters.send_interval, NULL);

	// Check if it is LoRa P2P
	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 0)
		digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);


	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
		if (g_confirmed_mode)
			MYLOG("SETUP", "Confirmed enabled");
			MYLOG("SETUP", "Confirmed disabled");

		MYLOG("SETUP", "Retry = %d", g_confirmed_retry);

		MYLOG("SETUP", "DR = %d", g_data_rate);

	// Enable low power mode

	// If available, enable BLE advertising for 30 seconds and open the BLE UART channel
#if defined(_VARIANT_RAK3172_) || defined(_VARIANT_RAK3172_SIP_)
// No BLE
	Serial6.begin(115200, RAK_AT_MODE);

	// Check if sensors are connected and initialize them
	has_rak12037 = init_rak12037();
	if (has_rak12037)
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);

void start_sensors(void *)
	// Set flag for RAK12047 readings
	sensor_reading_active = true;

	MYLOG("SENS", "Powerup Sensors");

	// digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);
	// delay(500);
	// Wire.begin();
	// delay(500);

	if (has_rak12037)
		api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_2, 30000, NULL);
		api.system.timer.start(RAK_TIMER_2, 5000, NULL);

 * @brief sensor_handler is a timer function called every
 * custom_parameters.send_interval milliseconds. Default is 120000. Can be
 * changed with ATC+SENDINT command
void sensor_handler(void *)
	MYLOG("UPLINK", "Start");
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);

	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
		// Check if the node has joined the network
		if (!api.lorawan.njs.get())
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Not joined, skip sending");

	// Clear payload

	// Get sensor values
	if (has_rak12037)

	float battery_reading = 0.0;
	// Add battery voltage
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		battery_reading += api.system.bat.get(); // get battery voltage

	battery_reading = battery_reading / 10;

	g_solution_data.addVoltage(1, battery_reading);

	// Send the packet

sensor_heatup_finished = true;


 * @brief This example is complete timer driven.
 * The loop() does nothing than sleep.
void loop()

 * @brief Send the data packet that was prepared in
 * Cayenne LPP format by the different sensor and location
 * aqcuision functions
void send_packet(void)
	// Check if it is LoRaWAN
	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
		MYLOG("UPLINK", "Sending packet over LoRaWAN");
		// Send the packet
		if (api.lorawan.send(g_solution_data.getSize(), g_solution_data.getBuffer(), set_fPort, g_confirmed_mode, g_confirmed_retry))
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Packet enqueued, size %d", g_solution_data.getSize());
			tx_active = true;
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send failed");
			tx_active = false;
	// It is P2P
		MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send packet with size %d over P2P", g_solution_data.getSize());

		digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, LOW);

		if (api.lora.psend(g_solution_data.getSize(), g_solution_data.getBuffer(), true))
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Packet enqueued");
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Send failed");

I must locate the digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH); and digitalWrite(WB_IO2, LOW); on the sensor reading line so that it only energizes when it is going to take the reading for 30 seconds and then turns off.

void sensor_handler(void *)
	MYLOG("UPLINK", "Start");
	digitalWrite(LED_BLUE, HIGH);

	if (api.lorawan.nwm.get() == 1)
		// Check if the node has joined the network
		if (!api.lorawan.njs.get())
			MYLOG("UPLINK", "Not joined, skip sending");

	// Clear payload

	// Get sensor values
	if (has_rak1901)

	float battery_reading = 0.0;
	// Add battery voltage
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		battery_reading += api.system.bat.get(); // get battery voltage

	battery_reading = battery_reading / 10;

	g_solution_data.addVoltage(1, battery_reading);

	// Send the packet

best regards

I have an example how to do it in my RUI3-Sensor-Node-Air-Quality example

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