What means OUI? I don’t understantd good the paragraph below. Can Staff Rak explain please?
How can i create a white list? If I set a network ID, Must i set network ID in all nodes? What adventage i will have in set netword ID?
Packet Filter
By enabling this functionality, you can filter incoming traffic and only forward packets from
the desired nodes in order to optimize bandwidth usage over backhaul. You can filter by
OUI or Network ID by whitelisting.
The Enable Auto Filter slider allows nodes to be automatically dropped in accordance with a
set of parameters. One can set threshold values for Discard Period, Join Period, Join
Interval, and Join Count (1 and 2 for Join Interval and Join Period respectively).
Organizational Unique Identifier (OUI) / MAC Address Block Large (MA-L)
This is an unique address of the node, that is manufacturer dependent.
The network ID is another method for filtering, by assigning one you can only let nodes with the proper ID join. Here is more information about it: https://lora-alliance.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/20181114_NetID_FAQ.pdf
Basically you filter by a portion of the device EUI.
The OUI White list is a type of DevEui filtering. OUI means the first 6 bytes of DevEui ( in hexstring ).
DevEui : 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
OUI: 010203
If you have enabled the OUI white list and add ‘010203’ into it, only devices whose DevEUI starts with 010203 are legal.
I have a RAK7258 and whenever I add an entry into the OUI white list (just the first 3 hex values of the DevEUI), everything gets filtered including the devices I am attempting to whitelist. I’ve been RAKing my brain trying to understand why… Any other tips would be appreciated!
When you enable the filter, you also need to type the Network ID of the LNS:
The Net ID must be in decimal value (e.g. the Net ID of TTN is 000013 which in decimal is 19.)
Hello, this is my first time in the forum, I have the same problem with the white list, when I enter the first characters of the devui everything is filtered
could you tell me the netid value for chirpstack
Hi Martin, wow, thanks for answering so quickly
I made the change but when I activate the Package Filter option all the devices are blocked
I have a devui that is not owned by me trying to join request all the time and that is what I want to avoid
and my 50 devices have a devid like the following
736D6331 56CC20EF so if you only enter the first 6 characters you should enter
736D63 and since they coincide, it would not be blocking it
Is there any other way?
Million of thanks
Any updates on this? I’m currently facing a challenge with my project that needs extremely precise time synchronization, but I’m hitting a roadblock due to the use of multiple gateways. Would it be possible to whitelist specific nodes to solve this?
Additionally, I need to perform the whitelisting on the gateway side, but since my nodes use ABP, using DevEUI for whitelisting isn’t helpful.