New Documentation Center

Hi RAKstars!

We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed documentation center: Documentation Center. After weeks of dedication, we are delighted to introduce our new RAKwireless Documentation Center live at 12:00 AM, September 11, 2020 (GMT+8).

We wanted to give you the best user-experience that we can offer, so we hope you can continue supporting us.

Should there be a need for you to access the old Documentation Center, an archive will be available at We will commit to keep the archive version available for 30 days.

For inquiries and suggestions, feel free to reach out to us by replying in this thread.

Thank you!


Looking forward to seeing this - bit confused about timings, it’s 09:10 GMT here, so it is 16:10 HKT - the 12:00 AM - is that midnight aka 00:00 Friday or do you mean 00:00 aka midnight Saturday, as in, 8 hours time?

PS, The links aren’t active.

PSS, moving the old docs to a domain will break all the links anyone has given on this forum to the support docs.

Hello Nick,

Timezones can be confusing sometimes. But the new Documentation Center is operational now.

Looking forward to get your feedback.

Looking most excellent!

Love the new simplified organisation / menu on the left - with the previous QuickStart / DataSheet split, I was never sure where to start.

Really great that you’ve put the Deep Development info for the modules - looking forward to investigating that for the RAK4200.

Absolutely fantastic that my best friend and constant companion, my iMac, is now a first class citizen with the Firmware upgrade tool - I’ll give that a try in a second as I’m working on an RUI project right now.

The whole EVB -> WisBlock looks to be evolving nicely, great that there are more accessible development platforms - you’ve done the hard work of encapsulating the hardware & RF on to the SiP, making implementing that easier for the whole range of sensors & I/O with the raft of Arduino libraries out there in the world is going to be great.

Good work!


Thank you very much.

Having been using the new documentation center and it looks pretty organised and stylish (hahah), congrats Rak Team and thank you.

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Thank you.
We will keep the quality of documentation on that level and improve where where we get feedback.