OneWire Library in RUI3 + RAK4631

I’m trying to implement a DS18B20 temperature sensor using a RAK4631 with RUI_4.1.0_RAK4631 firmware an using lasted Arduino RUI library, but when I compile the code it isn’t able to read sensor, I receive the next message: “No more addresses”.

Is supported OneWire library in RUI3? , or is going to be supported?

Hi @rmunizr ,

The support for DS18B20 for RUI3 is still pending.

However, you can use the RAK4631 Arduino BSP for now as it fully supports the dallas one-wire library.

Hi @carlrowan,

Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately BSP is not an option for me. I have developed the entire application and firmware using RUI because we need to increase the resilience of the solution as well as facilitate the installation of sensors for industrial environments.

I would like to know if you have an estimated date for the release of OneWire compatibility, not only for the DS18B20, but for other sensing options.

At the moment I am implementing the temperature reading functionality using the LM35 analog sensor using WB_A1 reading (as a workaround). It seems to work well, although I am not getting the best power savings and accuracy.

On the other hand, I saw that the SHTC3 temperature sensor (RAK1901) does have a library for RUI, only the operating voltages are low for the application I am looking for (monitoring 18650 batteries from 3.1 V to 4.2 V), so I am reviewing the STC30 as an option (also from Sensirion), do you think I can use the same SHTC3 library for RUI?

Hi @rmunizr ,

  1. I am checking now with the team about OneWire support. But I won’t set your expectation too high for this.
  2. As for SHTC3 and STC30, both are based on I2C and likely be supported by RUI3. However, they are not 1:1 compatible. Addresses and registers are different.

Thanks, I’m going to try with STC30, maybe with some modification to the libraries.

I hope to be supported OneWire soon.