Partially working.. What might be wrong?

RAK11300 | RAK7268-V2 gateway | AWS IOT

I’ve installed the arduino sketch, ( with some minor cosmetic changes), and it gets as far as joining the network in OTAA. I can see in AWS Wireless analyzer that the join is successful. Which corresponds to what i’m seeing in the console. |

HOwever, it does not seem to want to send any data… ( i’m expecting it to send Hello )

Any suggestions… I’m using this code

WisBlock/examples/RAK11300/communications/LoRa/LoRaWAN/LoRaWAN_OTAA_ABP/LoRaWAN_OTAA_ABP.ino at master · RAKWireless/WisBlock (

Cheeky Kea LoRaWan
Type: OTAA
Region: AU915

Device has joined Cheeky Kea in OTAA mode
Sending frame now…

I have been able to determine that the problem is related to the interrupt timer; It does not get out of the interupt.

I was able to get packets being sent, by sending them directly out of loop(). These are received on the AWS side.

AS written the code in the example doe’snt work.

void loop()
// Every LORAWAN_APP_INTERVAL milliseconds send_now will be set
// true by the application timer and collects and sends the data

if (allow_loop) {

Unchanged code works for me.

17:56:56.311 --> =====================================
17:56:56.311 --> Welcome to RAK11300 LoRaWan!!!
17:56:56.311 --> Type: OTAA
17:56:56.311 --> Region: AS923-3
17:56:56.311 --> =====================================
17:57:02.115 --> OTAA Mode, Network Joined!
17:57:23.085 --> Sending frame now...
17:57:23.085 --> lmh_send ok count 1
17:57:24.889 --> TX finished
17:57:43.085 --> Sending frame now...
17:57:43.085 --> lmh_send ok count 2
17:57:44.982 --> TX finished
17:58:03.077 --> Sending frame now...
17:58:03.095 --> lmh_send ok count 3
17:58:04.845 --> TX finished

You didn’t change anything else in the code?

I am missing the message “OTAA Mode, Network Joined” in your log.
So it looks like you changed something.

I have changed a few things, because out of the box the interupt driven code does’nt work. I’ll give it another go and see what happens.