my RAK7243 is now about 2w in operation working fine an receiving the data from my RAK7204 node. I’m feeding the data in a DB and observe that the RSSI is pulsing with a period of ~17h. I have no problem at all but I’m curious why the RSSI has this pattern. I would expect a random change.
Anybody else who see a period in your RSSI values or is it just me?
Hi Todor,
I configured the RAK7204 for OTAA and that it sends data every 15min. I haven’t to configure sleep. I was assuming that the device goes immediately back to sleep after transmitting the data.
If you don’t change the sleep settings, yes, it goes to sleep. So, yes, this is strange. I will make such scenario for find some explanation.
Do you use ChirpStack to InfluxDB integration, or something else?
Hi Todor,
I’m using HTTP integration of TTN posting the data to an MySql database. Readout is done with a php and a chart.js script. As written before I actually not an real issue, don’t spend too much of time on it.