Possible conflicting IO

I am using the Pin Mapper Tool and want to know if the Modules I am trying to use are compatible.

I do not know what to do with the information and how to interpret it.
I don’t need any features of the RAK5801 other then A1 and 12V.
I am more worried about RAK5860 and RAK5801.

Yellow marked fields mean there is a potential problem.

Both modules use IO1 as enable (input), that could work. But it means that you have both powered up when you want to use one of them.

IO4 is more critical, it is an output on the RAK5860 and an analog output on the RAK5801, so there is a conflict.

It will not work like this.

Only option would be to remove a resistor on the RAK5801 which will disconnect the A0 output.

I am not using A0 and it doesn’t work anyway by default. Do I still have to remove the resistor?

If yes. Where on the board is this resistor?