Quick guide for AT commands of RAK products

This guide is used for RAK811, RAK4200, and RAK4600.

  1. Introduction
    When the device is delivered from the factory, the relevant parameters of Lora will be preset. After the user obtains the device, the parameters need to be configured or modified before normal Lora communication. This document describes the configuration of nodes through at command, connection with gateway and communication.

In the document, only lorawan connection and data sending process AT command are described.

  1. Get the current configuration information.
    When we want to know the parameter configuration of the current device Lora, we can use the following AT commands.

 at+get_config=lora:status
Obtain the current Lora region, class, device parameter and other configurations of the node.

 at+get_config=lora:channel
Gets the channel configuration at the node end.

  1. About Join
    Nodes need to be configured according to the gateway before joining. After the configuration is completed and the device is restarted, the node will automatically join. Let’s explain the key configuration commands in join.

    3.1 Region
     at+set_config=lora:region:XXX
    Configure the node region. After configuration, you can send the “at+get_config=lora:status”
    again to view the configuration results.

    3.2 Channel mask
     at+set_config=lora:ch_mask:X:Y
    X: X:channel number. Y: 0 -> off, 1-> on.
    Configure LoRa channel mask. This configuration requires a reference gateway.

    3.3 LoRa parameters
    According to the different join modes, the device parameters are divided into the following two types.

    OTAA Mode:
     at+set_config=lora:join_mode:0 # OTAA mode
     at+set_config=lora:dev_eui:XXXX # device eui
     at+set_config=lora:app_eui:XXXX # application eui
     at+set_config=lora:app_key:XXXX # application key

    ABP Mode:
     at+set_config=lora:join_mode:1 # ABP mode
     at+set_config=lora:dev_addr:XXXX # device address
     at+set_config=lora:apps_key:XXXX # application session key
     at+set_config=lora:nwks_key:XXXX # network session key

     at+set_config=lora:class:X
    X: 0 -> Class A, 1 -> Class B(Not support), 2 -> Class C
    Configure Lora class.

     at+set_config=lora:confirm:X
    X: 0 -> unconfirm, 1 -> confirm
    Configure send packet type.

     at+set_config=lora:work_mode:X
    X: 0 -> LoRaWAN, 1 -> LoRaP2P
    Configure LoRa work mode.

     at+set_config=lora:dr:X
    Configure LoRa data rate.

     at+set_config=lora:adr:X
    X: 0 -> disable, 1 -> enable
    Configure adapt data rate.

  2. LoRa send
     at+send=lora:X:YYYY
    X: port {1,2,…,223}, YYYY: data
    Send data to gateway. YYYY is hexadecimal data.

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