I am relatively new to LoRa, I was connecting my first gateway to TTN v3 by using RAK2245 Pi HAT with Raspberry Pi 3b+. I’ve followed the Quick Start Guide very carefully, but still shows disconnected status. Nothing in Live Data box.
Does the gateway is connected to the Internet? If so, configure the channel plan via option 2:
After that choose to edit the packet-forwarder config:
And set the chosen TTN cluster address (in my case eu1.cloud.thethings.network)
Restart the packet-forwarder:
The gateway should connect to the TTN.
When the gateway is connected to the Internet, I’ve also tried to ping But it didn’t reach to google IP (image below). Is this normal?
When I scan devices that are connected to the same network as my computer, I can see Gateway (image below), that’s why I thought it was successfully connected to the internet:
If the picture does not indicate that the Gateway is connected to the network, what is the right way to connect to the Internet?
Or is it possible that the Gateway lacks a driver to connect to the network or send signals?