RAK 2287 and LTE

I have a 2287 and RPi 4 setup that works fine.
Can I add a RAK2013 Cellular Pi HAT to provide a back-haul connection?


Hi @Alangward is the RAK2287 with or without GPS?

Hi @velev

The 2287 has a GPS, but it has not got a fix yet.
If I ‘cat’ /dev/ttyAMA0 it is showing NMEA sentences being generated, but no fix or time information, but that it is not unusual in my office. Although it doesn’t normally take this long.


Hi @velev,
Sorry, I thought was a different thread.
Yes, the 2287 has GPS and has a SPI connection.
I noticed on the developer gateway with the LTE option you are using a different concentrator that uses an older version of the Semtech chip (1301 vs 1302)


The GPS in RAK2287 is routed on the UART. The same UART is used for communication with the RAK2013. It can not work. But you can still stack it and use it with a USB cable between the RAK2013 and the RPi - GitHub - tvelev/quectel-CM-for-rpi

As for the GPS fix, check your global_conf file for the GPS path configuration(if you are using the Packet Forwarder).

Hi @velev
Thanks for the update.
The kernel version I a using is 6.6.20. Will that be a problem?


Hi @velev

If I switch to a RAK5146 rather than a RAK2287 will connection be easier or do the same constraints apply?
