This is just a Basic Question for the group. Has anybody been able to integrate the RAK 4630 micro INTO the Arduino Cloud as a New THING and make the Device status change to ON LINE after adding one Cloud Variable?.
Can it be Done ?
This is just a Basic Question for the group. Has anybody been able to integrate the RAK 4630 micro INTO the Arduino Cloud as a New THING and make the Device status change to ON LINE after adding one Cloud Variable?.
Can it be Done ?
I guess yes.
I got my RAK3172 registered in
I have a gateway connected to
The device joins and I can see the messages in the console of the Arduino Cloud.
But I cannot find out what messages have to be sent to get the device shown as online or in what format the sensor data has to be sent.
That is a question to Arduino Cloud.
I see that they are using their “own” library in the Arduino code. Not sure how to implement that with our devices.